Shock and awe or lunacy?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

As a progressive Bahamian I am deeply shocked and awed by the demonstration of pure and unadulterated political lunacy by the newly ‘appointed’ Cinderella. There are some people who still have faith in the judgment of Loretta Butler-Turner I am not one of them. This woman was offered a chance, on a silver platter, to become the leader of a major party and to become, worrisome but possible, the first female Prime Minister in her own right.

What has she done so far to instil confidence in her leadership capacity since being coronate, uselessly it now seems, as leader of the opposition? Her appointments to the Senate are despicable and deplorable. She has, again, demonstrated extremely poor judgment. At the Mickey Mouse convention of the FNM a few months ago, Loretta and her “medical poodle” declared that they were “ready now” to challenge Minnis. Lo, and behold, they chickened out and the delegates “rocked with doc”.

Loretta embraced Minnis on a public platform and stated that “Doc is my leader”. They even shared what Loretta termed “a wedding cake” to signal that they were one, again. That was not to be, however, and she plotted to force him from office even while the cake was still being digested.

To her credit, she did indicate that some of her senate picks would “shock and awe” many Bahamians. Rodney Moncur is, I am sure, a “good” Bahamian, even if some of his public utterances and behaviour might be ridiculous in the extreme. He is entitled to his views, even if some or all of them are lunacy in livid colours. He asked us to “pray” for him but I urge you to “pray” for The Bahamas!

He was a bad choice and I am persuaded that Moncur was forced upon Loretta, without her consent, by the hidden hand that still controls the FNM and the faction led by Loretta. You all know just who he is. He brings nothing new to the table and does not represent the change in public policy and personalities. It is perhaps too harsh to blame Loretta for this poor selection but do not forget that back in 2012 Moncur ran as a candidate for the DNA!!

They are now all together. Loretta was considered an Ingrahamite. The dimpled one, before he left cabinet in a huff and puff, was also with Ingraham. In fact, both he and Loretta owe their political careers to Ingraham. Moncur, a gadfly of the highest order, by his own admission, which has never been refuted or denied by Ingraham, is a surrogate for “Papa”. Is it possible that “Papa” is behind all of this and is, actually, pulling the strings? Ingraham, God bless his soul, was also instrumental in having Moncur appointed a Justice of the Peace.

The clan supposedly led by Loretta will prove toxic for the people of The Bahamas. The puppet master will be exposed for the political coward that he is. If he is so bad why did he not offer for leadership again? He was, so they say, afraid of a public humiliation by Minnis. Loretta and Sands also saw that they could not beat Minnis in convention. Realising that, what did they do instead? They did as instructed. Minnis must realize that he was outflanked by those who still cling to “Papa” as their real leader. The Ingraham era, apparently, while submerged, is far from over. That of Minnis, however, is on life support and getting dimmer by the minute.

Lunacy in politics is sometimes helpful, reference President Elect Donald J Trump over in the USA, but Moncur’s appointment is madness and will not entice more than one handful of sensible and rational Bahamians to travel on the political bus with this disjointed crew. Yes, Loretta is the putative driver but it is the conductor, a bull frog dressed up in soldier’s clothes, who is behind it all.

The PLP will now romp to electoral victory. It was not my intention to submit another editorial until the New Year but upon hearing of the senate appointments that were designed to “shock and awe” I was obliged to go back to the keyboard.

The Bahamian people are now able to see both the FNM, led by Minnis, and the FNM led by Loretta. There are two drivers, one in the front and one in the back, but the bus has no wheels and, for sure, no engine. These people are joking and playing the people of this wonderful nation for fools. Lunacy is being demonstrated by these people and their supporters before our very eyes. We may as well stick with the imperfect PLP. Again, have a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. To God then, in all things, be the glory.



December 21, 2016.


Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 8 months ago

While much of what you say about LBT is likely valid, as a disbarred lawyer you should just keep your own trap shut given that you long ago, by your own dastardly deeds, forfeited your right to have the kind of public voice that you crave so much!

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