Silly season

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Two momentous seasons are upon us - the restive season and the festive season.

I refuse to be defined by the divisive and restive season that promotes adversity and retards diversity. I readily embrace the divinely profound influence of the festive holiday season!

The Restive Season being The “Silly Season” and The Festive Season being The “Christmas Season”.

I, Bradley L Armbrister, being of sound mind, and joyous spirit (Hennessy enhanced); declare that I do not hate PLP supporters.

Every citizen of this Great Commonwealth has the constitutional right to support the party and/or candidate of his or her choice.

As my years on planet earth increases, my circle of close friends decreases.

Yes, among my small circle of friends are PLPs. In fact my best friend happens to be a PLP. When I had the privilege to serve in the Family Island as a Government Administrator, I made friends with a number of PLPs. 

For some reason, V Alfred Gray always made sure I was transferred to a PLP district.

Inadvertently, he did me a favour as I made friends with several prominent PLPs, especially in Exuma and Mangrove Cay. It appeared that the FNMs were too timid to reveal themselves.

The most reticent of the lot were my former colleague administrators.

My issue is with the hierarchy of the PLP. That motley crew and their epic odyssey of: unaccountability; obscene corruption; victimisation; and gross incompetence. 

PLP leaders who enrich themselves; family; friends and lovers; and placate their disenfranchised and destitute supporters with empty rhetoric.

They are no more than pusillanimous portals of platitudes. It is time to banish these glorified parasites from power!

My solemn mission is to assist in any way that I can, in removing this undeserving regime from power in 2017 and to keep their sorry behinds out!

And Thereto  I Pledge Thee My Troth!



December 20, 2016.


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