A house divided

EDITOR, The Tribune.

It is so sad to witness the abject melt down of the once fabled Free National Movement under the debilitating and slash and burn style of leadership by Dr. Hubert Minnis (FNM-Killarney). When he was first elected many persons inclusive of myself, held out high hopes for him. Alas, he has proven to be a literal disaster and a whirlwind in a tea cup. The party of Sir Cecil; Sir Kendal and Sir Arthur Foulkes is no more. Minnis and crew have emasculated the party and gutted it like a fish.

The ignoble forced departure of many of its sitting MPs does not bode well for the electoral chances of the FNM in 2017. In fact, on the ground, countless Bahamians are turned off by Minnis’s antics and boorish demeanour. If the FNM were to win ten seats in the general elections I would be absolutely surprised and floored. Bahamians are a strange people who, despite our own childish collective behaviour sometimes, we desire a sense of cohesiveness and stability.

The FNM is not providing either of these and it is not likely that it will get its act together in time for the general elections. The Hon. Edison Key (FNM-South Abaco) has been a fixture in both major parties for eons. Why at his advanced age he is still interested in elective office is beyond me. There must be something “sweet” about power because few, once elected, ever want to retire with dignity and while there is still time to enjoy family life.

Key said that Minnis is not to be trusted and that Minnis is deceptive in the extreme. In fact, Key stated that he will not run under the FNM banner next year. Bradley Roberts, the best National Chairman, ever, of the iconic and enduring Progressive Liberal Party (PLP), has thrown open the doors of our party to Edison and, once we are returned to office, Key is assured, God willing, of a senior cabinet position. If the foolish FNM does not want Key, we will take him, again.

Under Dr. Minnis the FNM will be wiped out in 2017. That ‘doll house’ political marauder guised as the DNA (led by boys in short pants and girls in crinoline skirts) has no real traction and will, again, act as a petulant spoiler for the FNM. Minnis is dead set on becoming Prime Minister, God forbid. The leader of the boys in short pants and the girls in crinoline skirts is an egomaniac and delusional politically. The rest of the fringe groups and bug eyed individuals may as well sit small and shut up.

Even as you read this, Minnis is gone as Parliamentary Leader of the FNM. Loretta and crew are in charge. Wow, what a difference a day makes! The only realistic path forward is with the PLP. Yes, we are badly flawed and mauled, but we are simply “the best” and “better” than all of the rest. To God then, in all things, be the glory.



December 7, 2016.


Porcupine 7 years, 8 months ago

Mr. Bodie,

The problem lies in thinking FNM, PLP, or DNA. These are all personality shows, similar to a reality TV show. If people understood the issues, they may vote on issues. The level of discourse here borders on juvenile. The social tenor is adolescent; from politicians, professionals, to the people. To continue to rally for any of these parties is like cheering at a sporting event. It may make you feel good and righteous at the time, but once the game's over, who cares.

Reality_Check 7 years, 8 months ago

Bodie will always be nothing but a justifiably disbarred lawyer with a tongue that loves to lick Crooked Christie's butt in the hope that someday he will ascend to high office like the new billy-goat recently appointed by LBT to the senate.

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