Former MP warns that FNM is facing financial trouble

FNM supporters at a Clifford Park rally ahead of the 2012 general election.

FNM supporters at a Clifford Park rally ahead of the 2012 general election.


Tribune Staff Reporter


A FORMER Free National Movement MP who lost his bid to be re-elected during the 2012 general election, has insisted that the party is facing financial troubles with several of its main funders threatening to “abandon ship” if the infighting and leadership issues are not resolved. Speaking to The Tribune on the condition of anonymity, the former MP said the financial woes have also spilled over to those FNMs who want to begin their individual election campaigns.

“The reality is there are major supporters who provide financial support to the party who have said they will abandon ship if we don’t get this together,” the former MP said during a recent interview.

“There are now and will continue to be major funding issues if we cannot resolve these issues which have become very public. We have to resolve it.

“It has also come down to individuals saying they are not willing to fund individual campaigns unless certain issues are resolved. So this is going down to the candidates level as well.”

However, when contacted for comment on the matter yesterday, former Deputy Prime Minister Brent Symonette admitted that at this stage in the game, donors are usually hesitant to give money, especially to a party that is in opposition.

He added that he remained confident that this would not be an issue once the party holds its convention and the controversy over the party’s leadership is put to rest.

Mr Symonette said: “People aren’t often that willing to give to a party, especially one that is not in power. And I am sure the infighting all over the place hasn’t helped.

“But when we have the convention and that’s sorted out and resolved, the donors will be willing to give to the party for a successful campaign.

“So I don’t see it as something that will be an issue,” he added.

Meanwhile, angry FNMs have told this newspaper that the announcement of a party convention by November is proof of yet another strategy by leader Dr Hubert Minnis to hold on to his position.

Party insiders also said there are some who feel a convention should be held as early as April to allow the party to get over its leadership issues with adequate time to position itself for the 2017 general election.

On Friday, Dr Minnis announced that the National Executive Committee, at his invitation, unanimously recommended to the Central Council that a full convention be held no later than November 30.

He said a vote on the matter would take place at or before the next regular council meeting.

“(Mr Minnis) will benefit from a November convention,” said one FNM member, who did not want to be named. “It ultimately minimises the possibility of anyone challenging the post. It leaves just six months before when the next election is expected.”

There have been persistent calls over the past few months for the party to hold a new convention.

Against this backdrop, party Chairman Michael Pintard said earlier this month that there was a possibility that the event could be non-voting, but stressed that there were continued talks on the issue.

This prompted Mr Symonette to question whether Dr Minnis was comfortable in his position at the helm of the party, adding that there should be no question of whether the next convention should have executive posts up for a challenge.

Frank Watson, another former deputy prime minister and senior member of the FNM, said last week that only an “insecure” leader would hold a non-voting convention.

The FNM’s constitution specifies that the organisation should have a convention every two years.

Dr Minnis was re-elected to lead the party on November 21, 2014 after defeating Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner in the leadership contest.


TruePeople 8 years, 8 months ago

Well then abandon ship!!!! the country is better off without these ego driven politrickians!!! If the FNM don't mean anything anymore, then we don't need the FNM anymore. srt8

DDK 8 years, 8 months ago

............and the Bahamas ends up with a one party Government? Come on Opposition GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER!!!!

sheeprunner12 8 years, 8 months ago

Finances should be the least of the FNM problems right now ........ the next election should be about our government and the management of public finances, not whether a political party has money to run a PR stunt campaign ............. look what we got for the PLP "gold rush" PR campaign in 2012

Publius 8 years, 8 months ago

Oh ofcourse, since we all know that money is not needed to put forward election campaigns right? (sarcasm off)

Publius 8 years, 8 months ago

Once again another show, via this story, of the pathetic on the part of the FNM!

John 8 years, 8 months ago

Despite his leadership style and the criticism of it, Hubert Minnis managed to keep the party together for near five years, and it is doubtful that he will willingly give up the role of leader before an election. The PLP will have access to deep pockets for the upcoming election and like all governments do, they will be spending taxpayer money selectively and to their advantage. Of course no one wants to fund a party that appears to be split and falling apart, or one that doesn't seem to have the leadership and the machinery to win an election. Then it appears that like last election, the DNA will draw more votes from the FNM than the PLP. This is the time to put aside difference and get all hands on deck.

TalRussell 8 years, 8 months ago

Comrades of course a red source told the Tribune, also on ‘condition of anonymity’ “that the party is facing financial troubles with several of its main funders threatening to “abandon ship” if the infighting and leadership issues are not resolved”.
For Jesus sake, even the mafia isn’t as accustomed to speaking out, only after receiving assurances of ‘condition of anonymity’.
The more frequent the Tribune’s offers of ‘condition of anonymity’ the more engaging these reds are CALLED-up on the phone by a Tribune reporter to mouth-off against Minnis, who was elected by a 3 to 1 majority, over his main leadership rival Loretta.
Red Shirt rats, you wanna know something. You gotta BIG's 'conditions of Tribune anonymity' mouths!

Economist 8 years, 8 months ago

If they elect Loretta Butler-Turner the FNM might find things improved. No one wants to support Minnis.

Publius 8 years, 8 months ago

These FNMs keep coming to us through the media to convince us we ought not vote for them. We get it guys, believe me we get it! This person says the donors are upset at these matters which have become public. Then why do you keep making it public if you care so much about the donors and their feelings?

Then Symonette says:

People aren’t often that willing to give to a party, especially one that is not in power. And I am sure the infighting all over the place hasn’t helped.

No sir, say what you really mean - because donors give to opposition parties or persons all the time in order to get them where they wish to see them. If these donors were interested in seeing the PLP out of office, why would they not want to support the party they claim is theirs and that they claim is the answer for the country? It must then mean the donors do not see how they would personally benefit from supporting their party. And if that's the case simply say that instead of insulting our sensibilities.

Godson 8 years, 8 months ago

The words of Donald Trump, "OUR COUNTRY IS GOING TO HELL". He was referring to the USA but this is also the case in The Bahamas; hence, this is the reason for us all to become more POLITICAL in order to stop this downfall of Our Beloved Country.

All of what we are saying in our posts, in fact, goes to emphasizes THE NEED FOR ALL OF US BAHAMIANS TO GET POLITICAL. All eligible Bahamians need to register as soon as possible. That is the only we can be a part of change for a positive difference.


PLEASE GO AND REGISTER A.S.A.P and do more by encouraging others to do so as well. - Thank you.

Godson Nicodemus Johnson

proudloudandfnm 8 years, 8 months ago

If a viable third party were to emerge they would have a helluva chance.

Too bad there are none. I cannot and will not vote for an FNM led by Minnis.

Perry will get 5 more years......

BigD1 8 years, 8 months ago

Another anonymous former MP.....SMT

tonymontana 8 years, 8 months ago

it seems like the only one with testicular fortitude is the senator lady , while others hide behind anonymity, she clearly states the case , cowards like neko the horn , and the glutton who ate the last button , hide in the bush like marcus garvey and throw stones , or have there henchmen and women advance there cause , just state your case like the senator did and move on ,

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