A frightening prospect

EDITOR, The Tribune

Does China’s “gift” of military equipment and weaponry tie in with Prime Minister Christie’s warning that new crime strategies may impact freedom of movement?

Isn’t it strange that China is giving the Bahamas $1.2m of equipment - armoured vehicles, automatic anti-riot grenade launchers, smoke tear gas grenades, night vision goggles and anti-riot gear sets and so on?

Visions of the horrors of Tiananmen Square jump to mind.

The public must demand an explanation and the Opposition must stop squabbling and turn its attention to this very curious, if not frightening, issue.



February 1, 2016


Franklyn 8 years, 7 months ago

Hi Athena,

The debate on the street and on the local talk-shows is exactly that: is the Christie government gearing up for a backlash from the Bahamian People, or is the crime situation in the Bahamas more severe than what is reported or release in police reports. I can remember my days at the Tribune when we went to press briefings at the Police HQ on East St. ...the situation back then was always worse than what was released to the public.

Or with the current political unrest in Haiti there could be additional immigrants on their way to add to the thousands already here in the Bahamas, It may be a good idea to arm ourselves against any unforeseen threat.

But there is also a possibility that considering the state of our economy and the likelihood of a downgrade or devaluing of the Bahamian dollar which will surely ignite mess unemployment, panic and civil disobedience.

But the worse scenario would be a Christie administration making plans to hold on to power in a desperate attempt to realize his hopeless dream of being a Great Bahamian Political Leader.

"horrors of Tienanmen Square" I dont think so. the news report do state: “gift” from the Chinese government, that it was the result of discussions that happened last year where the RBDF- but desperate men do desperate things. And if the Christie administration were to use riot equipment against Bahamians ...then Mr Perry Gladstone Christie would have vindicate the UBP. and rendered the Quiet Revolution a failure.


Voltaire 8 years, 7 months ago

Franklyn - Its option D - they want to duck elections and hold on to power. And if you think they won't 'Rawson Square' us if they feel the need, that is what many civilian populations thought before it happened

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