What does the PLP fear?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Another postponement of the PLP convention - clearly the leadership fears something as a convention is totally controlled and only involves three-four days at the most.

Can the PLP postpone their convention in this manner? Does this comply with their rules?

Look, reality is fixed government will loose the gender referendum and the only way they will turn that around is to do precisely what they did with the gaming referendum - don’t forget we voted against gaming being legalised but it seems Christie & Co, decided they were above the law.

Why on earth no one challenged the decision is beyond me. Referenda are binding Mr Christie that’s the law in my opinion.

Unfortunately, all a referendum needs to pass is a majority of one vote as otherwise we should simply refuse to participate, based on past experience of the PLP-Christie & Co thrashing democracy.

The PLP can only win the 2017 election by default...a weak, weak opposition - split asunder but the majority of us are cold livid as to what is going on and are totally unwilling to support the scoundrels again with their false promises.



February 23, 2016.


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