Reader poll
Do you think the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was right to put out an advisory on travel to the US?
- Yes, it was right to put out the advisory.
- No, it was not.
312 total votes.
Tribune Chief Reporter
THE United States Embassy released a security message yesterday urging its citizens and US visitors in Nassau and Paradise Island to exercise heightened personal security awareness, pointing out that armed robberies and violent crime remain primary criminal threats.
The security message is the second advisory issued by the local mission this year and notes that the embassy has received reports of a significant increase in armed robberies throughout New Providence over the past six months.
It comes days after the Bahamas government issued its own travel advisory warning Bahamians, particularly young men, to be compliant and exercise extreme caution when interacting with American police due to escalating tensions over recent fatal police shootings in the US.
Yesterday, embassy spokesperson David Allen insisted that there was no link to the July 8 advisory sent out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Mr Allen explained that the embassy recently put its staff and their families on alert due to increasing reports of armed robberies, and as such was legally required to issue a similar message to its citizens.
“The protection of US citizens is US Embassy Nassau’s top priority,” he said.
“In carrying out this responsibility, we periodically send messages to ensure that US citizens are aware of ongoing issues and trends that may affect their safety and security while traveling abroad.
“The embassy recently warned its staff and their families to exercise additional caution due to increasing reports over the past six months of armed robberies on New Providence and Paradise Island targeting patrons of ATM machines, parking venues at retail locations, and armed carjackings. The embassy is legally required to issue a similar message to US citizens.”
Mr Allen added: “Our July 12 message to US citizens was not linked in any way to the July 8 travel advisory issued by the Bahamas Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
“Just as the United States has a responsibility to inform its citizens when traveling abroad, the Bahamian government has the same right and responsibility to inform its citizens traveling to the United States.”
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ warning went viral after it was issued and has come under fire from American commentators who argue that the notice was political - a claim Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration Fred Mitchell has denied.
Mr Mitchell said yesterday that he believed the timing of the US advisory was not politically motivated but coincidental, and declined further comment.
The US Embassy’s message read: “This message is to remind US citizens resident and visiting New Providence Island (Nassau) and Paradise Island to be mindful of their surroundings at all times and employ practical personal security awareness when in public and at home to avoid being a victim of crime.
“Over the course of the past six months,” it continued, “the US Embassy has received reports of a significant increase in armed robberies throughout New Providence, specifically targeting patrons of ATM machines, parking venues at various retail locations, and armed carjackings.”
Five police officers were killed and seven wounded last Thursday during a protest in Dallas, Texas, over the fatal shootings of two black men by police, Alton Sterling in Louisiana, and Philando Castile in Minnesota.
Two other countries, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, have also warned their citizens travelling to the US to be careful in view of the incidents last week, according to international reports.
The US Embassy’s security message is the second warning of its kind this year. The first was sent out in January after an American woman was allegedly raped by a man riding a jet ski at Cabbage Beach.
Days after that incident, the local mission warned American citizens and visitors to “be aware of their surroundings and remain on heightened alert to avoid being victims of crime” and to not patronise jet ski operators in this country.
It further noted that US Embassy personnel were “prohibited” from using jet ski rentals in Nassau, saying the industry is “minimally regulated”.
Yesterday’s advisory urged US citizens to avoid using ATM machines in isolated areas or when alone, and to keep car doors locked and windows rolled up when driving. Other tips included how to act in a violent or threatening situation, if followed or confronted by armed criminals.
“Do not display or wear expensive jewelry that may make you a target for criminals,” the advisory read. “Avoid wearing gold necklaces, bracelets, expensive watches, or other flashy jewelry.”
It continued: “In traffic or in a stopped line of cars, leave at least a half a car length between your vehicle and the car in front of you to provide an escape path. This also prevents a chain reaction accident in the event that you get hit from behind and pushed into the car in front of you.”
Last month, Minister of National Security Dr Bernard Nottage said that overall crime in the Bahamas had dropped by 29 per cent from January 1 to June 14 compared to the same period in 2015.
In 2015, the US Embassy issued just one security message to its citizens living and travelling to the Bahamas appealing for heightened security awareness during the holiday season.
The embassy sent out four security messages in 2014.
Honestman 8 years, 8 months ago
Mitchell would have served Bahamians better by issuing a travel advisory to all Bahamians and Non-Bahamians visiting New Providence! While the Bahamas government was quite within its rights to issue its advisory, was it really the cleverest thing to do given our dependency on the USA? Firstly, the advisory wasn't telling Bahamians anything they didn't know already and, secondly, it had no impact whatsoever on the USA. Today's advisory from the USA will almost certainly impact the number of tourists visiting The Bahamas. This will hurt us and for what? Just because Mitchell wanted to score some cheap political point over the USA. This was a case of Mitchell's ego prevailing over common sense.
Cas0072 8 years, 8 months ago
Perhaps Bernard Nottage can copy and paste the US advisory and send it to all Family Islanders. It might actually calm their fears, because from my experience, they believe Nassau is worse than described in the US advisory.
killemwitdakno 8 years, 8 months ago
" was it really the cleverest thing to do given our dependency on the USA? "
Victimization. Was it really the right thing for them to do whilst complaining about not getting all the bids and moving their embassy all so China can't sit beside? Only showed how they really go , got everybody on Fred's side now.
Sometime ya can't be kissass.
F the tourist if they're the ones that keep bringing in the guns and the states won't do anything about these exports. Financing could have and would be the #1 industry, o wait , they're aiming at us for that too. U see?
My2cents 8 years, 8 months ago
I read the Bahamas advisory, no where did it specify, "particularly black men".
kairosmatt 8 years, 8 months ago
Its inferred. Fred Mitchell does not accept any white person as a Bahamian.
Sickened 8 years, 8 months ago
Love it! I would go so far as to say that Mitchell only accepts black gay men. No one else seems to matter to him.
My2cents 8 years, 8 months ago
Of course the country is 85% black, I get it. But it was NOT said and it did not use terminology to exclude the other 15% either. Therefore, it should not be reported as such.
Clamshell 8 years, 8 months ago
I saw a follow-up story in a US newspaper where they analyzed actual crime figures and came to the mathematically proven conclusion that a Bahamian male would actually improve his odds of remaining safe from crime by visiting the US.
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 8 months ago
How they didn't see that coming is beyond me
My2cents 8 years, 8 months ago
Really...the geniuses did the math? Seems like they are missing the point as you are. Or maybe you rely on the media to formulate your thoughts? It had nothing to do with likelihoods and stats. Speaking of useless stats: What are the chances of a black (or otherwise) American being pulled over by a Bahamian officer, killed and exonerated in the killing?
The advisory was simply telling folks to essentially stay out of US business, comply with police and contact a consulate office should you find yourself in a sticky situation.
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 8 months ago
You're still pushing the "we were right" argument. Of course we were right, black men are at risk in police encounters in the US. Diplomacy is never solely about "who's right". Fred Mitchell should know that. There were other ways to accomplish the same thing. Focus MOFA. Possible downgrade in two months.
My2cents 8 years, 8 months ago
I actually never made the "we were right" argument but we were certainly not wrong. My point has always been there is no benefit is kissing U.S. @ss. Whether we ramain silent or not on issues of concern the U.S. will still issue advisories, and still act in the best interest of the U.S. even to the detriment of the Bahamas. Some of you are carrying on like panicky fools act as if the MOFA declared war on the all honesty it's not that serious! Will be forgotten in another couple of days.
killemwitdakno 8 years, 8 months ago
BIGOTED indeed!! Not a single tourist death was recorded. Their blacks are still safer here than in their cities with the highest crimes and they're big America with the intelligence to combat!
It's Better in The Bahamas will win this argument.
Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 8 months ago
THE APPROPRIATE U.S. RESPONSE WILL EVENTUALLY BE: Cease operation of pre-clearance facilities in the Bahamas; issue a directive for all U.S. banking institutions to cease direct and intermediary correspondent banking relationships with all Bahamian based financial institutions whether resident or non-resident for Bahamas exchange control purposes; restrict the number of education visas granted to Bahamians and residents of the Bahamas; introduce a tariff on all goods exported to the Bahamas via U.S. cargo ports sufficient to cover the added national security costs incurred by U.S. taxpayers as a result of the increased risks of terrorism for Americans (especially cruise ship visitors) caused by the dimwitted corrupt Bahamian government; limit access of Bahamas based passenger carrying airlines to U.S. airports and limit air lift from U.S. airports to all airports in the Bahamas; significantly increase both the requirements and costs for Bahamians and other residents of the Bahamas to obtain B1/B2 visitor visas; suspend Fweddy Boy Mitchell's diplomatic standing in the U.S.; introduce a tariff on all goods imported to the U.S. via Freeport cargo shipment facilities owned and operated by "privately owned" agents of the government of mainland China; significantly increase foreign aid and funding to Cuba to expand hotel and cruise ship facilities; support domestic and international banking facilities in Cuba with suitable restrictions on Cuban based financial institutions engaging in such activities with Bahamian based financial institutions; etc. etc. etc. IF YOU ARE FOOL ENOUGH TO POKE THE U.S. IN THE EYE, YOU DESERVE THE EVENTUAL CONSEQUENCES!
My2cents 8 years, 8 months ago
You don't have to poke a bully in the eye to get them riled up. They will do whatever they like without provocation. We should not be silly enough to believe the Bahamas threw the first stone in this non-existent war of travel advisories.
Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 8 months ago
Hopefully most Bahamians do not see the U.S. as you a "bully". How do you think most Americans acquainted with the Bahamas see the Bahamas?
My2cents 8 years, 8 months ago
Of course they don't...that's why everyone is up in arms about a retaliation of some sort...but perhaps they should them for what they are. How do Americans see Bahamas? read some of the comments they made on the international press...they see more black violent thugs they don't want in their country. These sentiments did not formulate overnight as a result of FM's comments
paul_vincent_zecchino 8 years, 8 months ago
Everyone we know sees the Bahamas as their favorite vacation destination
killemwitdakno 8 years, 8 months ago
Well there's a appropriate response to that as well.
You know where most to their freight to Africa leaves from?
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 8 months ago
Bottom line, the travel advisory was "ill-advised". It doesn't matter if we "were right" or the US is "being petty", it's still our hand in the lion mouth.
Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 8 months ago
Not "hand", but rather "head"!
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 8 months ago
You're right...
BMW 8 years, 8 months ago
This bunch of jokers are way in over their heads! Vomit cannot control a single one of his ministers. Kairosmatt you are correct a lot of the ignorant uneducated Bahamians think that. Man don't get me started about who come from where!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reality_Check 8 years, 8 months ago
And what most Bahamians don't realize is that Fweedy Boy has his nose so far up Christie's butt that Christie approved the travel advisory after the fact! Christie has become very insecure whenever attending diplomatic sessions of any kind held abroad and, like a lap dog, needs frequent comforting by Fweddy Boy. These two have become a very strange pair....if you know what I mean.
John 8 years, 8 months ago
HAPPY INDEPENDENCE!!! This had to have been one of the most peaceful holidays the BAHAMAS has experienced in a long time and one of the quietest Independence the Bahamas has had in many years. While official celebrations were ccaled back, persons, even young men seem to have a more somber attitude, a renewed peace of mind. A true sense of pride and patriotism. They did their country proud this weekend. Bahamians and visitors attended the celebration events with very little incidents of aggressive behavior or violence and many went to the beaches because of the extreme heat and others just chilled out at home. Most importantly noticeable was the change in attitude of many of the young men. Even though some attended the events and the beaches in large numbers they seem more social and tolerant rather than gang oriented and rowdy. And this is not by chance. Young school age teens seem to have developed a new sense of Bahamian pride and appears to be steering away from the habits of gangs and violence of the generations that preceded them. The Bahamas you deserve to be proud of how you celebrated your 43rd anniversary of Independence. Lift up your head to the rising sun, Bahamaland. Til the road you trod leads on to your God, March on Bahamaland!
Reality_Check 8 years, 8 months ago
The stuff you're smoking must be of first rate quality!
John 8 years, 8 months ago
It,s call a testament of truth..why you mad???
killemwitdakno 8 years, 8 months ago
He's right, the youngest of killers seemed to have toned down since Buddy. At least what I notice in the ages of homicides reported.
birdiestrachan 8 years, 8 months ago
:The US hits back" I do not know about that they are always issuing these advisories.. Mr Mitchell was correct. When the US Police Stop Black People they do not ask them What Country they are from. So any Black man from any Country can find themselves in the position that the driver who was shot while his child was in the back seat of a car was.....We are a small peaceful Country. America has big problems with Russia , and China. But I must say I love the BAHAMAS best. and the USA next.
birdiestrachan 8 years, 8 months ago
American Commentators? No doubt Fox News.
licks2 8 years, 8 months ago
No dear. . .the advisory was all over the global press. . .see BBC analysis of the release! This is not done to the USA. . .we allow our FM to do such rot? He is too touchy for such level of global interactions!
Sickened 8 years, 8 months ago
Did the world suddenly fear young black men for no reason or was this general fear a result of something? Is it odd that the world over, fears young black men and young muslim men? Is this fear and anxiety the result of media alone or have the police, both black and white, across the globe, been exposed to experiences over and over again that may have caused this? Just asking.
themessenger 8 years, 8 months ago
Birdie you're such an ass, the Bahamian bad boys don't ask the white tourists who they rob rape and sometimes kill where they come from either and they sure as hell don't ask their brother Bahamians who their Ma or Pa is or which island they from before killing one another. You think the Bahamianman who raped the tourist in Briland last week asked her where she from? The facts are you have a far better chance of being mugged, raped robbed or killed in this town than just about anywhere in the US or in the civilized world for that matter. You dumb people won't get it until the US finally have enough and shut the door completely on our ignorant self absorbed people.
John 8 years, 8 months ago
@ Sickened. Go and read The Kissinger report and find the answers you seek. just saying.
Sickened 8 years, 8 months ago
Just read the highlights of it. Interesting stuff. Sounds like the white man is to blame again! Though, I still don't see why so many black people don't trust ALL police regardless of the color of the policeman. Perhaps the black cops who have shot and killed young black men have been subjected to mind control by 'the white man'? This goes very deep indeed. I had no idea white people are sooo powerful. You would think that Africa and the black man would be the most powerful country and race in the world, given Africa's vast natural resources and seeing that that is where the human race supposedly started.
birdiestrachan 8 years, 8 months ago
John you are so right and positive. There are so many who just can not deal with that kind of attitude. They are the masters of gloom and dome. "The Chicken Licken" syndrome. The Bahamas is a beautiful Country. and all is not loss. " May the Good Lord continue to bless the Bahamas
banker 8 years, 8 months ago
If what we have is "being blessed", I would hate to see what happens when god gets p!ssed at us. Come to think of, maybe we are seeing exactly that.
John 8 years, 8 months ago
@messenger why does every word you say have to be a lie? How many cities in the US the police have stopped patrolling? How many tourists have been robbed or raped in this country for this year, 2016? How many Bahamians have been robbed in Miami alone? Had their rental car stolen or broken into? No amount of crime is right but don't throw stones if you blind!
themessenger 8 years, 8 months ago
@John,every word I say is a lie??? You and Bernard Nottage mussy smoking the same stuff and wearing the same designer brand of rose colored glasses, people like you and Birdie won't get the message until one of your Bahamian brothers puts a bullet in ya head or a knife in ya belly! Why don't you ask that question of the families of Deangelo Bethel, Joyelle McIntosh or the girl who was raped in beautiful Harbour Island last week, you people need to stop & smell the stuff you shoveling.
John 8 years, 8 months ago
The girl was allegedly raped, and it was by someone known to her. No one is denying there is a crime problem in this country but apparently your rose glasses and myopic vision tells you it is only happening in the Bahamas and only among Black peeple.
My2cents 8 years, 8 months ago
I know of one unarmed, young Bahamian male that was killed in U.S. police custody. How many Americans were killed by Bahamian police and exonerated of the charges? Let's talk reality, and no fabricated stats that do not compare apples to apples.
John 8 years, 8 months ago
Every time the racial war flares up in the US they end up facing some international threat and they expect the Black folk to stand up, be patriotic and help defend their country. And most do because America is the only country they know. They have no where for them and their family to run to. But what happens after the threat is over? Did you watch the news and see how the People from Venezuela stormed the boarder into Colombia just to buy food and medicine and basic necessities that are no longer available in their homelands? Venezuela was just a booming economy with oil revenues. Same thing is happening in Brazil. The British pound is at its lowest value in 30 years. The Bahamas is still a Paradise compared to what is going on around the world. Over 10 million people had to flee Syria into Europe because of war. Bless Up! The Bahamas!!!
themessenger 8 years, 8 months ago
The Bahamas may still be a paradise to the privileged few, AKA the government members, and their families, cronies and ass lickers. Ask the Bahamian construction workers who can't put bread on the table because the Chinese own the bakery with the blessing of we guvment, ask the five thousand D grade high school leavers who can't find a job in this destroyed economy what their take on paradise is. Ask the old man who been living in a outside toilet in Englerston for the last eight years. Ask the people of Grand Bahama how tings is up there. Moodys downgrade coming soon but according to the prophet "tings ga be dead good soon." Pindling lost paradise 35 year ago and it been lost since, maybe when you,Birdie & Nottage have had enough to smoke and got dem good shades on ya might trip over it.
Cas0072 8 years, 8 months ago
A hit dog will holler, and yes, I am surprised that the US would stoop so low with this tat for tat response instead of showing respect for diplomacy. If the Bahamas cannot even issue a note of caution to citizens abroad without fear of the economy tanking, as some of you insist, then there is the ever present potential for it to happen. So yeah, encourage the government to keep on shucking and jiving forever and ever, but don't turn around and complain about Bahamians not truly being first. Exactly 43 years after independence, and Bahamians are faulting the government for exercising a very basic function that is the right and responsibility of every sovereign nation.
Zakary 8 years, 8 months ago
I am surprised that the US would stoop so low...
This is not surprising, the US simply responded in kind, if you consider this a response.
I actually wish I could defend my government but that travel advisory was only intended to be a well timed political jab, there is no other way to explain it away. It was never intended to help anyone. For goodness sake,…" title="" target="_blank">there was an article with 4000+ comments topping one of the most popular social media sites in the US, for the entire weekend. This was all over the global media.
ThisIsOurs summed it up perfectly last time. It was not necessary. Not only that, but it had the added bonus of making us look completely incompetent and misinformed. This is the sad truth.
This was never about putting Bahamians first, and I’m as black as they come. I can see this clearly. This was more about making use of sensationalism and political one-up-man-ship.
Cas0072 8 years, 8 months ago
The only thing that ThisIsOurs and others have summed up perfectly is that for the forseeable future we will continue to be more concerned with keeping up appearances and doing whatever it takes to stay under America's foot, even when right is right. Even if the advisory from the Bahamas was motivated by politics, this is the least of what The Bahamas could speak on regarding The United States. A mere squeak because we have never had the courage to speak up when shouting is warranted. They could have let this one slide.
realfreethinker 8 years, 8 months ago
Boy Bahamians are easily distracted. The bullshit Freddy boy them does. He is quick to send out travel warning but refuse to address the fact that it takes 6 months to get a passport. Screwed up priorities.Without a passport,we wont need a warning
MassExodus 8 years, 8 months ago
First of all our advisory was only issued to black males, which in itself is wrong and divisive polical postering.
Second and more fundamental principle is choose your battles wisely. HEADLINE Not a smart battle to choose.
Ultimately this angers and embarrasses our own citizens and jeopardizes our political stability with the US. Common sense tells me this was a poor political move.
Cas0072 8 years, 8 months ago
No it was not. It was issued to all Bahamians, "young males in particular." The same media that discredits the BLM movement are the same ones who misconstrued the message as a warning to black males to beware of white killer police officers.
Sickened 8 years, 8 months ago
Did it really say 'white killer police officers'? I hope it also said how we are supposed to identify those 'white killer police officers' from the helpful, dutiful white officers. I hope that the killer officers have a logo on their patrol car that says "I kill young black males" - that would make it easy for everyone.
Cas0072 8 years, 8 months ago
I was being sarcastic because of the way it was received by some of the same media outlets, who throw in useless statistics to undermine the point of BLM. The advisory was short and diplomatic, and more importantly, reiterated the need to act responsibly.
John 8 years, 8 months ago
Many of us fail to realize that the symbiotic relationship between the Bahamas and the United States is not one of a parasitic nature but one of mutualism where both countries benefit from the relationship. While America may flex its muscles at the Bahamas a number of times some feels is too often, most of the misunderstandings and disagreements are not much more than personality conflicts and clashes of egos. And since the truth must be told sometimes race does come into the mix and the Bahamas must not always feel that is has to sing for its supper. Friends don't let friends drive drunk.
John 8 years, 8 months ago
Why do some people on this site get so violently angry whenever you say something positive about the Bahamas or something nice about Bahamians?
My2cents 8 years, 8 months ago
My guess is, they're not for Bahamians either.
MassExodus 8 years, 8 months ago
Sorry at Cas0072 however my view is it is still wrong, as it is divisive. Say all Bahamians FULL STOP.
Cas0072 8 years, 8 months ago
With all this blurring of gender lines and identity, I agree. Say all
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 8 months ago
@Cas & My2Cents. I said the government was "had the right" to send a warning if they wanted to. My only issue was with calling that warning "travel advisory". Call it "Aunt Myrtle" anything but "travel advisory". Get it? One fool today said we need to stand up to the U.S. and gave the example of Cuba, adding "look, now today Cuba's opened up!". Seriously? They want the Bahamas to be under blockade for 50 years so someday a U.S. presIdent could say' "well we were wrong and you were right"? Victories to the death don't look good on us. This was a very foolish fight.
Sickened 8 years, 8 months ago
Let me guess - that fool was Mitchell?
Cas0072 8 years, 8 months ago
They are called travel advisories for a reason. I understand The Bahamas is not on par with the US, and are reliant on them in many ways, but it is also a mutual relationship as John pointed out. The memo was very simple, and we should not have to present it in code. Although they responded in a petty manner in my opinion, no lies were told. I doubt they perceive this as a throwing down of the gauntlet, or the start of cold war between The Bahamas and the US.
I respect that person's point about Cuba's self reliance, or any proactive response over these doomsday predictions. If we can't appreciate our own basic rights as a country, we might as well shop around for a well respected colonizer to do the paperwork on our behalf.
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 8 months ago
@Cas & My2Cents. I said the government "had the right" to send a warning if they wanted to. My only issue was with calling that warning "travel advisory". Call it "Aunt Myrtle" anything but "travel advisory". Get it? Today one fool said, we need to stand up to the U.S.! then gave the example of Cuba, adding "look, now today Cuba's opened up!". Seriously? They want the Bahamas to be under blockade for 50 years so someday a U.S. presIdent could say' "well we were wrong and you were right"? Victories to the death don't look good on us. This was a very foolish fight.
My2cents 8 years, 8 months ago
I am not quite sure what you are running on with here...but my point has been there is absolutely nothing wrong with issuing a travel advisory or the contents of the advisory. It's unfortunate that Bahamians are so conditioned to think like you, over reacting to nothing. If the US were to use the same tactics on Bahamas as it did Cuba, please don't be naive enough to believe it would have nothing to do with this advisory.
My2cents 8 years, 8 months ago
correction: " would have nothing to do with the advisory".
John 8 years, 8 months ago
If you heard Donald Trump's response to the unrest and shootings of police in the US you can see Why Houston has a problem analogy to the space shuttle). Many has not yet come to realize that America is a diverse place with diverse people's and culture. To be a true American you have to embrace all. Bahamians treat Haitians the same way many Black Americans are treated in the US. Just today there was a large number of Chinese along the Cable Beach strip, men and women. Some were fishing, others swimming walking exercising in the food store. So a conspiracy would leave you to believe 'Are these people secretly living in Bah Mar?' Then those still faithful to the prime minister will assume, "yes the prime minister is telling the truth this time: Construction will resume on Bah Mar in August. Just a few weeks ago ." And so the Chinese workers have begun to arrive.
truetruebahamian 8 years, 8 months ago
Why not Bahamian worker not aligned with the governing party?
Zakary 8 years, 8 months ago
By the way does anyone know where the entirety of this security message is? I haven't seen it anywhere. Wanted to read it in full.
Never mind, got a copy.
John 8 years, 8 months ago
The reason why I believe the Dallas shoot of police officers was staged: President Obama is in Dallas trying to quell the tensions after the shootings and the best thing Fox News in the person of hen nifty could say is "why doesn't Obama go and focus on his home state not Chicago where 3,470 people have been killed since he was president." Well muddoes. Fox is still a cesspool.
banker 8 years, 8 months ago
I think that we have seen the "end" of the American response to Fweddie's pathetic attempt to spit in the eye of the US giant. The reason that I say that, is that the USA was concerned about Crisco Butt's love of the Chinese, and any strong arm tactics might increase Chinese influence on America's doorstep.
However, since Crisco Butt gave the Chinese Izmirlian's resort for Christmas, and the rice slurpers reciprocated by screwing him, the US doesn't have to mind its p's and q's so much. So now the US could really retaliate if Fweddie gets his bloomers in a knot and tries to posture and rattle his saber again. We could lose pre-clearance and other stuff, as eloquently iterated by well_mudda_take_sic.
I have a theory as to why the Chinese still haven't moved on Baha Mar, is that they are still trying to back out of the driveway. However, I did see some Chinese, Haitians and Cubans riding in a truck, and you wouldn't believe who was driving -- Immigration !!
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 8 months ago
FM now says he "doesn't see any correlation" between the US Advisory and the one he issued. What's even more shocking is, Hubert Chipman said the same thing!! I have really lost respect for him. Maybe they both suffer from that "can't ever admit we were wrong" man thing
John 8 years, 8 months ago
So the president of the United States goes to a part of his country where 12 law enforcement officers have been shot. Five are dead. There is still tensions and the best thing a national media can say is that the president should go to his home state of Chicago and focus on the 3,740 murders that happened there since he became president. Hennidity has a reprobate mentality.
bogart 8 years, 8 months ago
Bahamians do not realize that one incident of something happening to a Bahamian in Miami and within minutes everyone in Nassau knows about it VERSUS incidents of crime happening to foreign persons in Nassau and it does not appear in the press. ACTUAL EXAMPLE a little over a week ago in the morning a black man dressed not in jogging gear was running along a street by East Bay St a few hundred feet from Potters Cay. Shortly afterwards a white man came running behind saying his phone was stolen and I offered him to give him a lift to chase the tief. We decided not pursue as the tief might be in the old abandoned hotel on Okra Hill and dangerous. (I believe this is the same area where the US sailor was murdered not too long ago when he tried to defend a woman from being robbed) The white foreign man and myself went back to his wife standing by herself at a vehicle parked at a business establishment close to William and East Bay. I reported it to police officers who happened to be by Montrose who said they they already knew. This is a most shame full and despicable low life tief to tief a man phone with memories photos and to see a white man running by Okra Hill behind the tief trying to get his phone back.
John 8 years, 8 months ago
you got jokes
banker 8 years, 8 months ago…
John 8 years, 8 months ago
they suit you well, with a pink tie..rotfl
Reality_Check 8 years, 8 months ago
Most Bahamians foolishly believe our politicians when they claim the U.S. needs the Bahamas as much as the Bahamas needs the U.S. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are no longer viewed by the U.S. Department of State and U.S. foreign policy "think tank" experts as a friendly ally of the U.S., but rather as an opportunistic little nation whose corrupt politicians will always put their own interests above those of the Bahamian people and the U.S.A. In fact, we have become over the past 20+ years nothing but an irritating inflamed pimple on the backside of the U.S. This view of the Bahamas now holds true for the U.S. government no matter whether the Democrats or the Republicans have the upper hand at any point in time. With the opening up of Cuba to U.S. business interests, Florida (in particular the South Florida economy) will quickly pivot away from the Bahamas towards Cuba where there will be infinitely more lucrative business opportunities. As for the U.S. government "looking after the Bahamas" because of our geographical proximity to the U.S., that too is going to wane as the U.S. negotiates with Cuba greater levels of military cooperation and presence in the Caribbean/West Indian region. Between Puerto Rico and a much friendlier Cuba to come, the U.S. will see the Bahamas as more of a nuisance than any kind of geo-political risk. Bahamians had better wake up to these rapidly evolving changes because the thinned skinned likes of Fred Mitchell fail to realize the Bahamas has fewer poker chips to play today combined with the worst possible hand it has ever been dealt when it comes to the game of international influence. Hubert Ingraham opened our door to mainland China and Perry Christie has take our relationship with mainland China to new heights.....but the U.S. knows only too well how this will all play out for the Bahamas and Bahamians....and it ain't gonna be a pretty picture at the end of the day!
Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 8 months ago
After meeting a delegation of Bahamians at a diplomatic event a few years ago, Joe Biden was overheard saying to some of his closest friends: "It's hard to believe that crew can run even a very small country. They look like a scary bunch of hard core thugs; the kind you would not want to see wondering around your neighborhood."
killemwitdakno 8 years, 8 months ago
Most Bahamians don't know of any of the markets between the two.
Heck are we taxing those tankers? Wouldn't have a risk of credit downgrade!
BahamaPundit 8 years, 8 months ago
What you see with our Government, if you wish to call them that, is a bunch of men who have maximized their abilities and found wanting on the global stage. These men would be better suited to odd jobs around the house or stocking a supply room, not leading a country. These gentlemen have simply been out classed. The only silly part of the whole affair is that they don't realize it and are content to drag the entire Bahamas down with them to their level of ineptitude.
banker 8 years, 8 months ago
Everything that you say is true. Civilised diplomats., documented in WikiLeaks, around the world think that Fred Mitchell is a pompous, undesirable, parochial, unenlightened pea brain with racist tendencies and no diplomatic or statesman skills.
killemwitdakno 8 years, 8 months ago
Thing is New Zealand and others also issued warnings. Tourists aren't supposed to get involved in overseas protests.
They must be mad we actually gave tips for increasing your chances of staying alive if pulled over whilst black..
Was the bullet pointing necessary? Excessive force you think?
killemwitdakno 8 years, 8 months ago
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 8 months ago
This is false equivalence. It's an usual story and falls waaay outside the category of the two recent killings. This man was acting erratically in the extreme. Even the "visiting relatives" caption is misleading, the relatives stated he "just showed up", they didn't expect him. And unlike in those other cases, he was tasered. Whether the police overreacted to his crazy behavior by tasering him twice, is an open question, but it's clear the police had more than enough reason to treat him as a threat. He jumped through a woman's car window, the woman called 911, that's an account independent of any police report. Just because he was a Bahamian it doesn't excuse his actions.
Imagine if you were driving by the mall and someone jumped through your car window, how would you expect the police to treat that person? No you wouldn't expect the person to die, but you'd certainly expect the police to treat them as "unpredictable", every movement would be suspect.
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 8 months ago
Mr Mitchell said yesterday that he believed the timing of the US advisory was not politically motivated but coincidental, and declined further comment.
Soooo, there's an account that Mr Mitchell was informed by the US that they were about to issue a travel advisory. Mr Mitchell then releases his advisory ahead of the US. Is this true?
Domin1 8 years, 8 months ago
Given recent events in both nations, both advisories were necessary, irrespective of the timing or optics. Both offices met their responsibility to their citizens to make them aware and to encourage prudence and in the case of Bahamian travelers - temperance..
Bahamian travelers are not immune to the disquieting situation America is facing but more worryingly, they might be inclined to involve themselves in protest or court or incite confrontation out of a sense of solidarity or injustice. Either way the ministry must advise against any behaviour that might cause further involvement in the domestic affairs of another nation.
Regarding the U.S. advisory, as long as U.S. citizens continue to be victims of crime in our nation and crime continues unabated they are responsible to their citizens to post official advisories.
In my experience foreign ministries do not operate in the petty or arbitrary manner that commentators or the media would like to suggest. There are guidelines and protocol and a lot of thought is put into decisions beforehand.
John 8 years, 8 months ago
So the former Chief Justice and his party were all robbed in South Florida over the weekend. Maybe Fred's advisory was in order. I think they have started targeting tourists in South Florida again. I know of several incidents where Bahamians were robbed over the past few months, including the band from COB. The target seems to be mini vans. So if you traveling with a group to Florida and rent a van, you should either not leave any valuables in it or designate someone to watch it while others shop, eat sight see and have fun
themessenger 8 years, 8 months ago
Anyone naive or stupid enough to leave their belongings, handbags, cameras etc in their car/van in full view whether in Florida or in Nassau deserves what they get. So many locals have had their car glass broken out, sometimes just for pocket change in the ashtray, that its not even mentioned in the crime reports. In Nassau you better off leaving nothing in the car and the door unlocked, at least the tiefs dem don't have to break the glass and they will if they see something they want.
John 8 years, 8 months ago
Not too long ago the employees of the car companies were running a scam where they would rent you a car and one of their friends (accomplices) would have a spare key/remote for the vehicle. They would follow you from the car rental terminal and once you make your first stop or two they would enter the vehicle and take all your valuables. After it became obvious that rental agents were in on the scam and after numerous complaints the car rental companies changed their procedures to where you are no longer assigned a specific car, but you are given a row of cars to choose from. This makes it more difficult for agents to know which car is going to be rented and when. But recently one major car rental in Ft. Lauderdale have been offering free upgrades to mini vans. You should be suspicious of this and if you don't need a mini van, insist on getting the car you reserved. In some cities the rental car is brought up to the rental booth for the customer, but these cities are not having the problems that South Florida is having. What they are also doing now is booking you for a whole lot of insuance. Some persons end up paying up to $100.00 a day for insurance and no not realize it until they return the car or when they get their credit card statement. Then its too late to do anything about it. NOW they have persons who play the overly popular POKEMON game being lured to various locations and being robbed..what next?
SP 8 years, 8 months ago
................. Present vacation planning options does not include US and EU ....................
Nowhere is 100% safe. However, family vacation travel with adult teenagers is far less stressful knowing some wacko cop or terrorist that I see happening virtually weekly could potentially strike at the drop of a hat!
Canada, Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba or best of all the family Islands are the best vacation options as I see it.
You geniuses that believe all is well in the US and EU be my guest, & good luck. I'm certainly not exposing my family to any plausible situation that could possibly ruin "MY" vacation.
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