Gay agenda?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I found it interesting if not naïve that two candidates of the PLP would raise or even whisper the alleged gay agenda in the referendum.

To have a gay agenda means that there are potentially enough persons of the persuasion who would support the gay side of a policy and would vote accordingly.

An admittance that there are hundreds of gay sympathisers which there are.

We might be well reminded that the PLP have in the past through legislation shown they are at the minimum sympathetic to the gay movement as we remember in the 1980s it was the PLP who amended the law on buggery to consenting adults in private.

It is my perception that the whole push the issue down our throats, the YES vote has and will backfire so badly after June 7, that it will need all the new ambulances and gallons of blood to try to save the PLP for what I have to suggest they will have brought on themselves.

When a government tells the populace they are stupid - ignorant if they don’t support their position then it is inevitable what will be the consequences: a massive wholesale rejection even if there is logic to the arguments.

The bull in the china shop attitude of the leadership has cast the dye.



May 22, 2016.


Sickened 8 years, 3 months ago

I find it so interesting that, in general, PLP supporters are voting No across the board and that FNM supporters are voting YES!

Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 3 months ago

For the record, I will be voting a resounding "No!" to all four of the bills in tomorrow's referendum. Like most Bahamians I am only intolerant of others who seek to impinge on my rights, my freedoms and my way of life as a Bahamian. This bucket obviously does not include the vast majority of Bahamian men or Bahamian women, but it does include the many thousands of foreigners who are willing to sell their loyalty to the PLP (or FNM for that matter) in exchange for our government (with its hidden agenda) granting them Bahamian citizenship or permanent resident status. And this bucket certainly does include the very loud few in the global LGBT movement who seek to impose their way of life on others under the pretense of the rest of us (the 98+% of us) discriminating against them. The vast majority of Bahamians (both men and women) should not have to give up any of their rights, freedoms and beliefs, nor compromise in any way their way of life, simply because a small few in our society falsely accuse them of being somehow discriminatory. I, along with the other 98+% of Bahamians, have rights too!

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