Instant citizens?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

One side of the upcoming Referendum that no one, especially the ‘Yes’ folk, has not addressed is after June 8th, and assent of these amendments how many people qualify to immediately apply for citizenship?

I do not see that the required ten years starts after June 8th, 2016. I understand it is what you have already under the belt... if you have been married anything up to 43 years, 1973, on application government is required to process.

Since July 11, 1973, this has been the problem anyway as government ain’t in any hurry to process citizenship or permanent residence.

Does the Director of Immigration know how many thousand citizenship and Permanent Residence applications sit in his office gathering dust since 1973?

The bottom line is the average mid-aged woman will vote I suspect ‘No’ because they do not want their girls marrying non-Bahamians – let’s not be naive there are few male Bahamians worth their salt in the marriage sweepstakes.

Seeing this is such a critical political issue if the ‘No’ votes wins will Mr Christie do what he is supposed to do under the Westminster system - resign? Guess he has nothing better to do so he will not, but anywhere else in the Commonwealth on the failing of this referendum the PM would.\

Imagine after June 7 no more squeaky voiced young women pushing the ‘Yes’ position down our throats on the radio – boy these folks do not know what annoys Bahamians!



June 1, 2016.


Economist 8 years, 3 months ago

Even if it were retro active, does it matter how many are affected?

They are already living here and have been for many years. Many who you have always thought are Bahamian will finally be able to become Bahamian. What is wrong with that?

Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 3 months ago

For the record, I will be voting a resounding "No!" to all four of the bills in tomorrow's referendum. Like most Bahamians I am only intolerant of others who seek to impinge on my rights, my freedoms and my way of life as a Bahamian. This bucket obviously does not include the vast majority of Bahamian men or Bahamian women, but it does include the many thousands of foreigners who are willing to sell their loyalty to the PLP (or FNM for that matter) in exchange for our government (with its hidden agenda) granting them Bahamian citizenship or permanent resident status. And this bucket certainly does include the very loud few in the global LGBT movement who seek to impose their way of life on others under the pretense of the rest of us (the 98+% of us) discriminating against them. The vast majority of Bahamians (both men and women) should not have to give up any of their rights, freedoms and beliefs, nor compromise in any way their way of life, simply because a small few in our society falsely accuse them of being somehow discriminatory. I, along with the other 98+% of Bahamians, have rights too!

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