Ruled by the Church?

EDITOR, The Tribune

Re: Patterson: I’m voting no to Bill 4 (June 1).

At some time in the future, Bahamians may have to confront a troubling question - do we wish to be governed primarily by edicts from unelected clerics in a theocracy, or by deliberations from elected representatives in a democracy?

At the moment, heaven only knows which is to be preferred.



June 3, 2016


Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 3 months ago

For the record, I will be voting a resounding "No!" to all four of the bills in tomorrow's referendum. Like most Bahamians I am only intolerant of others who seek to impinge on my rights, my freedoms and my way of life as a Bahamian. This bucket obviously does not include the vast majority of Bahamian men or Bahamian women, but it does include the many thousands of foreigners who are willing to sell their loyalty to the PLP (or FNM for that matter) in exchange for our government (with its hidden agenda) granting them Bahamian citizenship or permanent resident status. And this bucket certainly does include the very loud few in the global LGBT movement who seek to impose their way of life on others under the pretense of the rest of us (the 98+% of us) discriminating against them. The vast majority of Bahamians (both men and women) should not have to give up any of their rights, freedoms and beliefs, nor compromise in any way their way of life, simply because a small few in our society falsely accuse them of being somehow discriminatory. I, along with the other 98+% of Bahamians, have rights too!

OMG 8 years, 3 months ago

" Many thousands of foreigners my arse" Funny how you love foreigners for free labour, donations and aid but have this paranoia about all these foreigners wanting to live here. Any foreign investor with half a brain would never invest in this third world country run by uneducated unqualified self appointed clergy.

Zakary 8 years, 3 months ago

In my ignorance, I'll go out on a limb and say that you have nothing to worry about, the church is losing its power, at least according to the numbers.

It is dying a slow death, The Bahamas is no exception.

hallmark 8 years, 3 months ago

Jesus says that the gates of hell cannot prevail against His church. It will not die by the blood of Jesus. These "bills" are a diabolical plan of the enemy and we must be the gatekeepers of our region to keep the enemy out. So thank you for choosing a GATE as the no vote symbol. Jesus says, "I AM THE GATE!"

OMG 8 years, 3 months ago

Get real and practice what the church preaches including tolerance, and understanding not just uneducated and biased comments

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