Time to vote for our children

EDITOR, The Tribune.

It is estimated that 60 per cent of students who leave their home for college or university abroad do not return home.

After raising our sons and daughters and spending so much time on their upbringing and money on their education – both in terms of private and public funding for tuition, including scholarships - should we not be encouraging them to return to help build our country?

What is there to come home to if men and women are denied equal treatment under the Constitution?

Let’s put aside the fear mongering that has no legal foundation and vote YES four times for our sons and daughters and our grandchildren.

Let’s walk as ONE BAHAMAS, Forward, Upward, Onward and Together.

Let’s bring our children home.



June 6, 2016.


Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 3 months ago

Five million plus dollars ($5,000,000+) of our hard earned taxpayer dollars flushed down the toilet by the corrupt Christie-led PLP government on their misguided and rightfully failed attempt to buy votes in exchange for Bahamian citizenship and/or pandering to the agenda of the global LGBT movement! The horridly dilapidated public school I voted at sure could have used that money for desperately needed renovations and repair work. My wife actually had tears come to her eyes when she realized that all of the school's water fountains and water coolers were non-functioning and that the restrooms were in a dreadful state, not fit for human use by any standard. Yet the corrupt Christie-led PLP government would have us believe that they care about the rights of men and women (and those somewhere between men and women) being equal. Well, what about the rights of our young children who have to attend these deplorable public schools that are not fit for most animals, let alone humans?! Small wonder our children are receiving a D minus education....it is almost impossible for even the brightest amongst our young to learn anything under such horrid conditions. And no doubt the teachers at these unkept schools are from the bottom of the barrel....who else would subject themselves to working under such squalid conditions. But elitist Christie and his privileged political friends and business cronies (like Sharon Wilson, her husband Sir Snake, Maynard-Gibson, Sean McWeeney et al.) certainly don't give two hoots about the welfare of our young children and the quality of their education .....they only care about themselves....and bills 1 thru 4 were only ever about themselves in terms of their hidden agenda. Thank heavens the vast majority of Bahamians were not fooled and overwhelmingly voted "No" to all four of the bills. Christie and his merry band of bandits are corrupt, power hungry, financially greedy and completely lacking in heart or soul. I truly feel for the very young in our country today, especially the 500+ recent COB graduates.

hallmark 8 years, 3 months ago

Our students not returning home after college is not a matter of equal treatment. It is a matter of JOBS!!!! Our government is doing a lousy job of making it easy to do business in the Bahamas and so few jobs are avail able for them to return to.

sheeprunner12 8 years, 3 months ago

Soooooooo, why should the government spend $250 million each year on educating public and private school students and another $30 million on scholarships to have this ungrateful, uppity, entitled millennial generation complain that they do not "feel any love" for their country????????? ...... there must be some elbow-grease applied to build a country ....... not out there shopping for greener pastures after taking all of the country's "freebies" ............. SMT

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