The Referendum Act and what it is for

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Curious so I went online and read the Act.

There are no provisions for what the PLP have been saying concerning the last Referendum on whether we wished Gaming - National Lottery where such an exercise was a poll.

All Referenda are binding - period.

The cost of a Referenda?

The Law provides that Parliament will provide the money to hold the vote has anyone applied to Parliament for the $1.75m the Minister of National Security indicated this would cost? Will that nullify the vote?

May I suggest what all are missing in this current exercise is that the public does not trust the government - essentially Bahamians do not wish anyone except persons born to Bahamians to be citizens - they fear, must say with justification, how many persons will after the exercise is over could be legally now qualified to apply for citizenship? Is it hundreds or thousands?

There is no doubt the ‘Yes Campaign’ has turned many off. Everyday you heard those squeaky voices simply refusing to have an open debate on the pluses and the minuses. You created No votes.

Christie better not turn a No to a Yes. 2017 is weeks away.



June 6, 2016.


Economist 8 years, 3 months ago

It is unlikely that Mr. Christie will turn the No to a Yes before the election.

However, it is very likely that whoever wins the next election will turn the No to a Yes.

sheeprunner12 8 years, 3 months ago

The 2013 referendum was categorized as an "opinion poll", because the outcome was not intended to change anything in the Constitution ............. we were not changing/deleting Article 26.4.e ............. and/or to permit a national lottery to be implemented, but to allow for private numbers house franchises to be made legal ............ and Bahamians voted NO, but Perry and the PLP bosses had their own agenda to take care of their webshop financiers

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