What about the other Rubis?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

While the public continues to hold its breath waiting for a full and honest explanation of the huge gas leak at a Rubis station on Robinson Road, there has been no discussion whatsoever about the two further leaks that came to light more recently.

One leak was said to have taken place at the Rubis station in Sandyport and the other at Porky’s Service Station on East Street South. As I recall, both the government and the company promised to report back to the public on these incidents but months have passed and yet again, there has been nothing but silence.

This failure to level with the public when serious health hazards occur is extremely worrying, especially because in all three cases, nothing was said by either Rubis or the authorities until concerned members of the public noticed that something was wrong and decided to speak out. Could there be other stations around New Providence or other islands leaking toxic chemicals into our water supply that we don’t know about? Are families being poisoned without their knowledge at this very moment?

It seems like both Rubis and the government failed to learn any lessons from the Robinson Road leak. Do they plan to continue keeping the public in the dark about these dangerous incidents? Why is it so hard for them to just level with us and tell us what is going on?

Gas leaks have very real and very serious consequences. People become sick and even die. Some of the diseases that can be caused as a result of exposure take years to develop and the people of Marathon continue to live in fear of what may happen to them or their children down the road. I would bet that there are people who live in Sandyport or on East Street who feel the same way.

Surely the time has come for both our government and corporate entities like Rubis to stop playing games and start to act in the best interest of the Bahamian people.



June 7, 2016


Reality_Check 8 years, 3 months ago

Nothing is happening on the Rubis/Texaco front because FOCOL (Sir Snake's company) imports all of the gasoline that is distributed to Rubis, Shell and Esso service stations throughout our country and his business interests are being protected by Perry Christie and our Attorney-General, Allyson Maynard-Gibson. Snake may occasionally throw a bone to COB as part of his "good boy" publicity/branding needs....and he still serves as a loud mouth piece for organizations like JA.....but on the whole he is nothing but a bullying scoundrel who peddles political influence in an extortionist way to gain a most unfair advantage in his unscrupulous business dealings aimed at unjustly enriching his family's greedy pockets! Snake and others like Allyson Maynard-Gibson have a lot in common when it comes to their underhandedness in peddling political influence because of laws and regulations that allow our corrupt government (whether PLP or FNM led) to pick winners and losers. The poor poisoned people of Marathon cannot even appeal to their MP, Toxic Fumes Fitzgerald, as he is totally beholden to the wishes of Christie and Maynard-Gibson. A truly sad state of affairs!

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