No means Yes

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Congratulations to the PLP for fooling the electorate into voting for equality for the LGBT movement by voting “No” on question four. You see, the “Yes” vote was really the “No” vote and the “No” vote was the “Yes” vote if you follow the reasoning of the Constitutional Commission Chairman in the newspapers a few days ago.

As everyone knows, the PLP seems to have a um...”soft spot” for the “gay agenda”. By getting the electorate to vote “No” to question four they were able to ensure that gays are able to marry under article 26 of the Constitution. Pure genius! Expect a gay marriage in at least one PLP church before the next general election.

The “bottom line” is that gays are now free to marry.

I wonder how easy is it to get a Justice of the Peace license these days? There seems to be a whole lot of money to be made in the gay community within the next few years.



June 8, 2016.


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