Decision time for the FNM

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Much has been said about the leadership struggles within the FNM. On one hand you have a man that was handed the reigns after just being introduced to frontline politics five years prior, and on the other you have a collection of experienced men and a woman who despite their best efforts seem to lose their voice amidst the noise from the core support of the leader.

This same party core has done everything they can to portray the Doc as a man of the people, a leader that will defend the common man. They repeat it ad nauseum, and they take every opportunity to post on social media any shred of evidence that this man just may care about “the little man”.

So I find it curious that following a number of recent social events, the good doc seems only concerned with his party core rather than the people of The Bahamas. It’s as if his only focus is on those he has either promised something to, or those hoping for a crumb to drop from his table. I observe that just last weekend, the doc with his team clad in red travelled to Andros in style, and spent their time by themselves. On the other hand, Loretta, Theo, and Richard went up on a crowded ferry and took the time to greet people, sit and hear them out, and continued this at the crab fest site.

An even more encouraging image was the photo op between this group of staunch FNMs embracing the DNA delegation. It is this kind of unity that the country is crying out for.

With a long history of “all for me baby” mentality the PLP is famous for only taking care of whom they deem worthy. I shudder to think of the FNM adopting this myopic ideal. The FNM has a rich history of inclusion and empowerment. The good doc would do well to remember or at the very least learn from his advisors that the FNM is more than a few council members. The Bahamian people expect and deserve better than a man roving the country with his geriatric elites only focused on partying and cutting deals. The country deserves a leader that can not only speak with them, but can speak well on their behalf in order to secure the bright future that we all long for. A convention is coming, but an even bigger fight will follow in the form of a general election.

The FNM must decide if they will run a leader that is only concerned with his yes men, or a leadership team that has the strength to overthrow the PLP, and the willingness to work with all Bahamians no matter their background or social status to make this country great again.



June 12, 2016.


Economist 8 years, 3 months ago

The yes men are old and out of touch, but have the power (they are the FNM Council) in the party to vote him in as leader.

Minnis doesn't care about the masses and neither do the FNM Council. In short, the FNM has become an exclusive club that knows little of, and cares little for, The Bahamas.

Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 3 months ago

Without supporting voters the FNM party is nothing....NADA, NADA, NADA!

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