Prime Minister of convenience?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Results of Referendum – is Prime Minister Christie the Prime Minister or only the PM when it suits him to be?

It was HIS Government that proposed the Amendments to the Constitution and it was HIS Government that failed - under the Westminster system he failed and he should have resigned on Wednesday morning. What foolishness, my name was not on the ballot!

Goings on around Tuesday’s exercise – I thought you had to be resident in the country to vote for six-months – on News at least a person was able to vote who lives outside for a long time.

Chairman of PLP concedes that the NO vote won out at 8pm when the Registrar could not tell us even today the full results. How on earth did the Chairman of the PLP get access – surely that is seriously in breach of the Parliamentary Election Act?

42 per cent might have voted in total – a failure of the PLP, the FNM and others to get the vote out. To my knowledge The Constitution is all of us! Really no one cared that’s really worrisome.



June 9, 2016.


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