The consequences of the referendum

Re: Referendum result

EDITOR, The Tribune.

To the enlightened and the educated who are overwhelmingly in the minority in The Bahamas the result of the referendum was a huge disappointment.

When any human being is asked “do you want equality” and the answer is a resounding NO its a reflection on the education or in this case lack of education of the masses.

This mass stupidity does make you realise why the PLP continuously win elections. As soon as a PLP government is returned to power the outcome is sadly predictable. Incompetence and corruption, unfettered raiding of the cookie jar.

Leading to economic downturn which directly causes a rise in crime and higher unemployment. This present government is by far the worst to date by a considerable margin. The corruption is so transparent. Can’t they at least try and hide it?

Regardless of this because of the lack of education/common sense unthinkably the PLP could be returned to government.

If that did happen its hard to think how we would survive. Cuba is opening up, the offshore banking business is in tatters.

How long until devaluation of the dollar occurs?

Can’t help but reflect back on Winston Churchill’s classic adage “If you want to be put off democracy, talk to the average voter for a few minutes.”

Still true 80 years on.

Come back and save us one more time please, Mr Ingraham.



June 13, 2016.


Economist 8 years, 3 months ago

One of the first things the PLP did when they first came to power was remove Government High as an elite school where the standards were very high. Where in the world do you see the government destroy the top schools?

They set out to dumb the people down, make them incapable of analytical thought and thus ensuring re-election over and over again.

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