Unpaid real property tax as much as $400m

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I am hearing that Real Property Tax people are starting a re-evaluation process…if it is to create an electronic data base I certainly support that BUT if it is to re-assess, probably increase the Tax Assessment I take the greatest objection seeing that the department has an inability or convenience not to be able to collect over $400m in back unpaid assessments.

Editor, my suggestion to the Financial Secretary and the Minister of Finance and the Minister of State of Finance is to effectively adopt the simple approach of shame and collect. Do your job!

Publish a list of bad debts and debtors and watch how quickly the money flows in.

Remember that VIP who owed $400,000 how quickly the lady paid up or someone paid? Hours, Editor, hours the money was in the bank.

Some of the worst offenders are the wealthy - well connected but what I do not understand is that for Business License you must be compliant, all Real Property Taxes paid (I believe government is breaking the law by imposing this as property is unusually in a corporate company it is personally owned so how can you attach that to a business?)

I do not support the constant policy of successive governments of giving incentives to pay debts - sorry guys those who pay should be the only people who get rewarded for paying - do the courts reward criminals?

Public Disclosure of MPs - Senators - we saw last Tuesday how far mistrust of government has gone - Disclosure Commission published the 2015 - 2016 Disclosures were you not embarrassed anyone - the public needs to know if their MP does not pay his/her taxes. Again, use the effective shame and collect approach. A reminder it is the law and the MP’s/Senators are not exempt from this.

Concessions to owner-occupiers and owner-occupier Bahamian pensioners - stop playing with their heads Minister - give the concession permanently not on-off, on again as politics plays.

Pensioners are a tight income and don’t need this frustration and stress.

Shame and Collect and stop pussy-footing around we are tired of hearing so-and-so, wealthy as hell does not pay.

Action Mr Minister, Mr Prime Minister, today not tomorrow and no more second and third chances and no concessions for not paying, you reward the criminal?

Aren’t MPs supposed to show civic responsibility and pride?



June 13, 2016.


John 8 years, 3 months ago

The government has admitted, more than once that the $400 million figure for unpaid property taxes is overstated. Many of the properties that are on the books as owing taxes are delipidated and unhibitable and buildings on other properties have been demolished. So rightfully the tax charges should be zero on these properties when then got to that state, even though prior taxes may be outstanding the amounts owing are overstated. Other persons have paid taxes up to three years ago and they are still receiving tax bills for the taxes that wereb paid. Persons who goosey the government over this property tax issue should realize that whenever property is bought or sold in this country, the government collects a tax from buyer and seller. When a person constructs a building on any property government collects up to 45% in customs duties and another 7.5% in VAT on all materials and furnishings used in the building.. So up to 1/3 the value of the building could be taxes alone. How can a government then justify charging property tax on this property? It is only those that do not understand double and even triple taxation or those that live on the Family Islands that do not understand the burden of these taxes on local Bahamians that push for them to be collected. What is the benefit of offering a mortgage relief program, then stuffing property taxes down a person's throat? How can a government justify giving (foreign) investors exemption to the same taxes they find necessary to burden Bahamians with, even on their homes. Yet the cost of living in the areas that receive the most tax breaks are the highest in the nation.

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