Casting the first stone

EDITOR, The Tribune.

In recent times, Bahamians have been consumed with the realisation that many of our sons and daughters are not subscribing to what we call “old school” methodology. The discussion of alternative lifestyle has caused us to abandon Christian principles and become God himself.

What happened to “Judge not, that ye be not judged”? Jesus hung out with the “bottom of the barrel”. He forgives us seventy times seven. But the worst among us have the gall to point our dirty, stinking and nasty fingers at someone just like us in many cases.

We are stunned that many of our children, sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, nephews, nieces and cousins are doing strange things with each other, and with others that does not please us.

But the question is, who among us are qualified to pick up the proverbial stone to throw it, lest we “chap ourselves”.

The many insensitive commentary hurled at our own children, just because they go contrary is asinine. How could we, in all honesty, fix our mouth to complain about anything that appears immoral, when we are covered with dirt, all of us? Never mind what we pretend to do, we are who we are. It doesn’t matter how much we try to deceive. All of a sudden, we are lily white.

The Bahamas is the most promiscuous country in the world. We must be the sweetheart capital of the world. For decades family islands have been the breading ground for incest. Tradition has been that the men “sampled” their infant and small children first, long before puberty. The mothers who ignorantly allowed these things to happen have kept incest quiet.

On some of our islands, retardation is more pronounced from the sexual practices right in the family, father and daughter, mother and son, brother and sister, kissing cousins and other family combinations. This practice has produced generations of imbeciles. Not a dog says bow-wow.

Many women have several children for several men and are sometimes confused who has fathered whom. Too many men have children through every corner. The mystery of how many children have been fathered is usually discovered at funerals. “Ya daddy ain’t ya daddy but ya daddy don’t know.” Shame and scandal in the family.

We know some pastors have used the trust that usually is associated with their position to pounce on an unsuspecting boy or girl and destroy their spirit. We cannot forget an infamous pastor who used his office for his escapades. But theses same church people will “grunt” their uncharitable comments about others.

We also can remember the exploitation by politicians who have used their position to devour innocent young boys and girls. Some adults are made to perform sexual acts to keep their jobs.

We attend church on Sunday, but cannot wait for the benediction to rendez-vous with other church members before they finally arrive home for the traditional “peas and rice”.

Finally, the hullabaloo about same sex has been in the Bahamas since time immemorial. We all know our sons and daughters and close friends who have been practising for forever. I could remember in the early sixties, the whole family assembled every Halloween night for the procession of men dressed like women to have their pictures taken at Maxwell Studio, next to Transfiguration Church. Stop the amnesia.

Are we going to “tar and feather” our children and friends because they choose to practice what we disagree or disapprove. Are we qualified to stone them, especially after “all of us” are guilty of some of or all of the things mentioned above. Can we, in good conscience, look in the mirror and honestly say too that we are also curious, but have no courage to admit that we do. You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.

I will admit that I am no angel in my sixty-four years; I have never met an angel either. I have travelled very far and covered much ground. I know one thing for sure, and that is the people who are most vocal are not necessarily the people who are exempted. I know also, that many persons cannot swear that they “will never”.

The “bald naked” truth is, few of us cannot say what will happen if the atmosphere is conducive.

Now we reach to this, “He that is without sin cast the first stone”. HYPOCRITES!

Find a place inside where there’s joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.

Now call what you wish, but just don’t call me collect, pay for the call.

I am still in fear of Jesus, only.



June 15, 2016.


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