Fear of crime is up in the nation

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Dr Bernard Nottage, the Minister of National Security, in his contribution to the budget debate stated that crime is down 29 per cent. He said that the government’s crime initiatives are working and that we should see a further reduction in overall crime during the second half of this year.

This remains to be seen.

No right-thinking Bahamian believes that Dr Nottage has been effective in his role as the National Security Minister.

In fact, Dr Nottage has been wanting.

He can crunch all the numbers he wants about the crime statistics but there is no denying that the fear of crime is at an all-time high.

I frequent the Fox Hill area because this is where I grew up. Many persons in this area have seen enough tragedies for several lifetimes.

I can tell you that because of all the murders over the last several years that “bad boys” are trying to be more careful in their movements. Even they are now afraid of crime.

So imagine if the bad boys are afraid of crime, then where does that leave the average citizen?

The average citizenry always have their eyes opened because of the fear of crime.

We drive past our homes when we feel that someone might be following us. We no longer stay out late at nights because of the fear of being robbed or killed.

I was exercising on a beach the other morning and then I decided to cool down before I took a swim.

A man who I had seen earlier was walking past me and he decided to make conversation.

While we were talking, I became alarmed because I saw that he had a nine inch kitchen knife halfway concealed in his hand.

We talked for a few minutes and it became evident to me that he carried this knife for protection.

Just over two weeks ago I was in the Bernard Road area in a social setting when two men that I knew were murdered.

One of the victims had just passed by the social setting where I was at and  less than an hour later he was dead. You can imagine the fear and shock that followed.

Bahamians are living in fear, sir. A few years ago even you, sir, started carrying a hand gun, albeit that you have an assigned armed guard for your personal protection.

This shows that you may have some inclination of the serious times that we are living in.

So before we start selling fake dreams to Bahamians, sir, know that we are a fearful society and for good reason.



June 27, 2016.


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