Property tax assessments

EDITOR, The Tribune.

On a certain morning talk show a Mr Forbes from property valuations confirmed that today, ongoing, Ministry of Finance is re-evaluating all properties that fall under Real Property Tax.

The brilliance of whoever decided this was correct practice is beyond any form of rational thinking seeing there is at least $400m owed to Real Property Tax.

They are impotent – unable or not even trying to collect the $400m is amazing as surely if with re-assessments valuations will increase it is right to presume the Assessment Statements for 2017 will increase...

Real Property Treasurer of the Bahamas – Minister of State Finance and Minister of Finance are so impotent and living in a make believe world of disillusion.

Shame and collect - even if it means leaking the persons who owe – shame and collect – this has to happen.

Government you have to cancel your policy of enhancement of those who owe bills. It is law to pay your bill, Mr Prime Minister!



June 27, 2016.


Sickened 8 years, 2 months ago

I believe that the constitution says that only non PLP's are required to pay their property taxes! I stand to be corrected, although a freedom of information act may prove that I am, in fact, correct.

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