Our shame over Cabbage Beach

EDITOR, The Tribune

I have, for my own purposes, visited Cabbage Beach prior to the lawless demonstrations that took place on Monday. We should all hang our heads in shame.

Cabbage Beach, at least the piece that is in dispute, is no paradise. It is cluttered with an array of vendors selling anything from hair braids to massages and everything in between including the illicit, all in an unsanitary environment. It is a menagerie of solicitation that no sane person would wish to occupy their property. That is fact. From the behaviour exhibited on Monday, there is no contesting that reality.

I have also come to learn that the government, both under the FNM and PLP, initiated the whole concept of “licensing” vendors to be on what is private property. What next: will government force the owners to build bathrooms and parking lots? What we may be witnessing is that last nail with respect to doing business here.

You can bet the Cuban government would not allow this degree of free fall. And while the “white foreigner” is scapegoated once again, the government hides in the shadows and both parties see short term political mileage incoming to the rescue of the “small man”.

Does the “small man” have a right to occupy private property without the owners permission? If so, does the “medium, large and extra large man” enjoy the same right?

The only thing “small” in this country is the mentality of simpletons that parade themselves off as leaders as they act solely for their own benefit and could care less about the long term ramifications. Their zeal for blue plates overshadows what they should be doing to promote “blue skies” for this nation’s future.

We must be viewed by outsiders as dishonourable, corrupt or at best insanely insular. None of which are characteristics investors as desirable attributes. The same investors that create an environment for vendors to benefit in the first place.

Is the government of The Bahamas on its next investment junket going to now be saying come to The Bahamas, purchase some land to develop it and after you do, we will commit to taking it back to allow our citizens to do what they wish on it? I am sure they will be lined up in droves ... not!

This is not about beach access. It is evident that persons wishing to enjoy the beach can continue to do so. This is about commercial rights. Can a citizen occupy a publicly-owned beach for commercial gain with the government’s permission? Why does the government enjoy a right that private property/beach owners don’t?



March 1 2016


themessenger 8 years, 6 months ago

The proliferation of illegal signage, booths and street hawkers has become epidemic under both this and the previous government. Zoning laws are completely ignored as night clubs,bars and numbers houses are allowed to exist with impunity cheek to jowl with residences and schools while complaints of noise pollution and littering are for the most part ignored by the relevant authorities. This beach vendor situation is no different as slackness is so ingrained in our society that the attitude is if its good for me what does it matter if its illegal. The fact that our leaders are leading the charge only further fans the flames, Nassau now burning out of control.

birdiestrachan 8 years, 6 months ago

You can rest assured if it was my property I would not want a bunch of vendors in my front yard or my back yard. a sensible solution should be made . Dr: Minnis and Mr: McCartney
should both be ashame of themselves/ and the vendors should know that they McCartney and Minnis are only seeking power at any cost at the end of the day. they do not really care about them

HarryWyckoff 8 years, 6 months ago

Or, though this may be too much for your tiny, yellow-addled brain....

THE CURRENT, EXISTING, ACTUAL GOVERNMENT needs to actually sort this shit out.

YOU CAN't keep blaming everyone else for something only the current, presiding administration can fix.

Now please, shut. The. F*ck up. There is no 'Hope' for you, get your 'C V' out and look elsewhere for a job blaming others.

birdiestrachan 8 years, 6 months ago

Really? what a nasty humane being you are. No sense of reasoning , just cuss and cuss some more That is the very best of you right there.

newcitizen 8 years, 6 months ago

Birdie be a trollin' ... trollin' ... trollin'!

sheeprunner12 8 years, 6 months ago

The field slaves are fighting the house slaves for some of the rations ........ what a sick joke

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