A word to Michael Scott

EDITOR, The Tribune.

There are some people and things that truly do not deserve the attention they seek, but I just couldn’t help myself.

May I use your forum to pose some questions to attorney Michael Scott, who is obviously extremely against Dr Minnis as leader of the Free National Movement.

First of all, you have made the statement that Minnis “lacks support of the white Bahamians”. Pray tell, who made you spokesman for white Bahamians? If you have a beef with Dr Minnis or if you don’t support him for your own personal reasons, then stand on your own two feet, but don’t drag your entire race into it with you! Furthermore, do you really think their money is what is going to determine whether Dr Minnis wins or loses? Think about it! L O Pindling did not have the financial support of the average white Bahamian, but that didn’t keep him out of power! The PLP has never had the financial support of the average white Bahamian, but that didn’t keep them from winning the last election!

You get up on national radio and rip Dr Minnis’ plan for tax-free zones to shreds. Have you at least seen the blueprint? Have you asked to meet with Dr Minnis and given him any suggestions or offered any help or advice?

You say in one breath that you do not think the country can take another five years of Christie and in the other breath you shoot down the only other option to keep Christie and the PLP out of power, simply because you cannot stand the leader, who was democratically voted in by the party you claim to support. What utter ignorance! Talk about ripping off your nose to spite your face! Minnis may be the leader but he is only one man, and one man cannot run a party or a country!

Why does Minnis being leader cause you so much pain and anguish? Leaders come and leaders go. If you think he is such a horrible leader, if you think he can never make it on his own, wouldn’t it make sense to help him, rather than destroy him and the party you claim to support along with it?

It is obvious to me that you are angry that his opponent, whom by the way, I think is a capable and outstanding lady lost the election at convention and that you hate the fact that Dr Minnis is leader, but can you at least rise above your ego for the good of the party and by extention the country?

Mr Scott, you may be a white man on the outside, but that “black crab syndrome” – you know the one where we fight against each other on the same team instead of supporting each other – it is alive and well in your soul!

Oh and by the way, Hon Hubert A Ingraham, a man I truly love, had the financial support of many white Bahamians but he lost in 2012! So don’t flatter yourself! Your money or lack of it will not determine Dr Minnis’ fate!

Hon Dr Hubert A Minnis, will be the next prime minister of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas! Get over it!

I am an FNM who will support any democratically elected leader, because that is what team players do!



February 24, 2016.


proudloudandfnm 8 years, 6 months ago

How could Minnis possibly have been re-elected? He is and was a failure as leader of the opposition the day those delegates voted for him.

Why would the delegates re-elect an obvious failure?

Money? Promises?


UserOne 8 years, 6 months ago

I agree completely with this letter. When I first heard that Michael Scott said that white Bahamians would not support Minnis I immediately thought how arrogant he must be to appoint himself as spokesperson for white Bahamians. I also agree that political parties are more than their leaders and as a governing or opposition party they are made up of MPs. Too much emphasis is put on who the leader is in our country. I also believe Minnis may be a good Prime Minister if given the chance. He is more low key than our previous Prime Ministers which I think makes people believe he would not be up to the job but I think it just means he will be a different Prime Minister. Perhaps that is what we need.

Publius 8 years, 6 months ago

Oh, this again...


Oh and by the way, Hon Hubert A Ingraham, a man I truly love, had the financial support of many white Bahamians but he lost in 2012!

The only thing I can do to this statement, is laugh out loud, loudly!

Sickened 8 years, 6 months ago

Sorry, but who is Michael Scott? I'm white and he certainly doesn't represent me. I haven't even heard of this guy. Is he a new Bahamian?

Publius 8 years, 6 months ago

ha! I said the same thing jokingly though I know who he is, and who he was truly referring to.

EasternGate 8 years, 6 months ago

Michael Scott was way out of line. However, the FNM needs a full convention soon. Who ever emerges as the Leader (Peter, Paul, or Mary) will get my full support!

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