A warm welcome for royal guests

LEFT: Members of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force Rangers being greeted yesterday by Prince Edward during his visit to the country. Photo: Shawn Hanna/Tribune Staff
RIGHT: Sophie, Countess of Wessex, meets children at Garvin Tynes school yesterday. Photo: BahamasLocal.com

LEFT: Members of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force Rangers being greeted yesterday by Prince Edward during his visit to the country. Photo: Shawn Hanna/Tribune Staff RIGHT: Sophie, Countess of Wessex, meets children at Garvin Tynes school yesterday. Photo: BahamasLocal.com


Tribune Staff Reporter


PRINCE Edward, earl of Wessex, yesterday continued his royal visit to the Bahamas, leading a contingent to three Governor General’s Youth Awards Programme (GGYA) centres in New Providence.

On Wednesday, he visited St Augustine’s College and C V Bethel Senior High School - both institutions recognised for their GGYA programmes.

Additionally, Prince Edward visited the Royal Bahamas Defence Force (RBDF) Rangers Division’s GGYA centre.

Approximately 34 persons from eight schools (five in New Providence and three in Grand Bahama) will be presented with their certificates of achievement from Governor General Dame Marguerite Pindling, and then be pinned by the prince.

Denise Mortimer, director of GGYA, said officials made an effort to organise visits to centres that were not only effective in delivering the mandate of the renewed programme, but those that were at different levels of development.

During Wednesday’s visit to the RBDF’s Coral Harbour base, Prince Edward took in performances by roughly 72 GGYA participants; 40 of which have been awarded either a Silver or Bronze GGYA award.

The earl of Wessex’s nearly two-hour visit to the base was filled with pageantry. In addition to taking in a fitness display by the marine hopefuls, Prince Edward was treated to a range of musical selections, honoured with salutes, invited to lay a wreath at the base’s monument and a luncheon with award participants.

He encouraged aspiring marines to stay steadfast in their pursuits. He stated that the dedication displayed by participants in years past is proof that the programme doesn’t only build strong character, but inspires youth to live beyond themselves.

Director of the Ranger Programme Lieutenant Delvonne Duncombe labeled the royal visit as a momentous occasion.

GGYA established its Royal Bahamas Defence Force Ranger centre nearly three years ago.

Prince Edward is the chair of the International Council for the Duke of Edinburgh International Award, the universal sect from which the GGYA is extended.

The earl, along with his wife the countess of Wessex, arrived in the Bahamas on Wednesday to honour the achievements of 34 Gold Award recipients of GGYA.

On Friday, the royal couple is expected to travel to Abaco where Forest Height Academy will stage a rally in their honour. In Abaco, the duke and countess are expected to meet with all four of the island’s GGYA units, totaling around 100 participants.

In 2011 the royal couple made a similar trip when they attended two gold ceremonies in New Providence and Grand Bahama.

There are 143 countries that have adopted the Duke of Edinburgh International Award programme and more than eight million young people have participated worldwide.

The royal couple will leave the country on Saturday, March 5.


stislez 9 years ago

i see the slave masters still checking out their stock aye..............

sheeprunner12 9 years ago

Yep ....... this crop is fully clothed in pretty uniforms ............. SIGH

TalRussell 9 years ago

Comrades please no needs tickle me okay, cause I can laugh without the assistance of ya fingers. Honestly, don't you think the PLP cabinet should have first checked to see where these two royals ranked on the royalty ladder? Couldn't they have found a more recognizable royal couple to entertain the tourist, before spending taxpayers money's on two no name brands?
It has long been the practice of PLP and Red Shirts regimes to cloak their administrations in the patriotic song "Rule, Britannia!" as a means of keeping up appearances to the international world, whilst fooling the Chicken N' Bag natives at home.
This is a well accepted royal tool going back to the Bay Street Boys to warmly host Royal visits as a means of providing a smoke-screen to hide the palm-greasing corruption that goes on.
It’s no different than how an octopus uses above human intelligence to smartly camouflage itself from the ocean's predators by blending in with the ocean's floor and coral reefs.


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