Closer to equality

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The Bahamas took a giant step forward Wednesday when House members put political differences aside to overwhelmingly support the four gender equality Bills.

This was a victory for the Bahamian people and it takes the country one step closer to changing the discriminatory anomaly in the Constitution that has allowed for families to be ripped apart.

I want to congratulate the Members on both sides who supported these measures.

On the same day, I read with dismay a letter urging the public not to support a Referendum on this issue because of the manner in which the Gaming “referendum” was handled.

While I understand the hurt this has caused, my question to the writer is this:

Would you punish an entire population of Bahamian women and their families to get revenge on something that was beyond their control?

The writer may not be aware that the anomaly in the Constitution has been used in the past to target and victimise families for various reasons.

It has created utter anguish and heartache for Bahamian men, women and children and as a people, we must make sure this is never allowed to happen again.



March 2, 2016.


sheeprunner12 8 years, 6 months ago

Has anyone ever answered the question: Why were these discriminatory gender provisions placed into the original 1973 Constitution in the first place???????? ........... ask the surviving "founding fathers" Mrs. Damianos, and then report back to us ................... SMDH

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