Signage at the airport

EDITOR, The Tribune

I have just returned from a pleasant visit to see friends in New Providence. My return home was, however, not assisted by the signage at the airport.

I have an abundant lexicon of disparaging adjectives but I find it hard to find a word that fully describes just how impossibly difficult it was to locate the non-US departures terminal.

“Egregious” comes to mind. I prefer the rather more understated, but just as appropriate, words of Prince Charles - “simply appalling”. I went round and round in circles trying to find the place. Death became as a friend.

Surely British Airways, if no one else, can find a few dollars to get the signage sorted, please.


Harpenden, England

March 4, 2016


Sickened 8 years, 6 months ago

Why do tourists expect better in The Bahamas? We don't. Most of us certainly want better, but we don't expect better.

Take the luggage carousels for example. Bahamians arrive on flight AA123. Tourists will look on each of the 3 carousel monitors for flight number AA123 and expect their bag to come out on the corresponding carousel. What fools! Bahamians automatically check each carousel and ignore the stupid monitors. Bahamians don't expect for simple things to work.

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