Three arrests over tearing down of beach fence

Bahamas Public Service Union president John Pinder speaks on Monday. Photos: Shawn Hanna/Tribune Staff

Bahamas Public Service Union president John Pinder speaks on Monday. Photos: Shawn Hanna/Tribune Staff


TOP: Jahro Saunders pictured entering the police vehicle. ABOVE: Francis Johnson pictured being taken away by police.


Tribune Staff Reporter


POLICE yesterday arrested three persons in connection with the destruction of the fence torn down during a massive protest last week at Cabbage Beach.

Jahro Saunders, a beach vendor arrested and released last Monday when protestors blocked traffic flow over the Sidney Poitier Bridge; and taxi drivers Francis Johnson and Derrick Cox were all booked on charges of alleged destruction of property at the Paradise Island Police Station shortly after noon yesterday.

Attorney Paul Moss, who represents the three individuals booked yesterday, said word first surfaced last week that officers were looking for nine persons in connection with the destruction.

Mr Moss said he advised his clients not to turn themselves in over the weekend for fear that they might be held without being charged until Monday.

They are expected to be arraigned later this week.

“Many had sleepless nights, many of them couldn’t go out and work their jobs because there was another cab driver (connected to this matter) who was arrested while doing his job,” he said.

He told reporters he arranged for the persons being sought by police to turn themselves in yesterday, adding that of the nine persons sought, only three of his clients were charged with property destruction.

“That fence, they said, was (allegedly) destroyed by these people. They have been arrested, they are about to be fingerprinted and this has been very traumatic for many of them because they have never been in a situation like this before,” added Mr Moss.

Legal advisor to the Cabbage Beach Vendors Association, attorney Halston Moultrie called the arrests a “witch hunt” on the part of a government that finds itself in a corner.

Mr Moultrie joined by Bahamas Public Service Union President John Pinder called for the resignation of Minister of Tourism Obie Wilchcombe. He accused the minister of using racial tactics to “muddy the waters” in an ongoing dispute between the vendors and Access Industries.

The men also accused Mr Wilchcombe of using “union busting techniques” and “scare tactics” to intimidate association members to follow through with a promise they said he made behind close doors.

Mr Pinder used the opportunity to officially launch his new civic initiative – Securing Economic Freedom for All (SEFA) – stating that it is grounded in a social principle presented by former Prime Minister Sir Lynden Pindling during the build up to independence.

He accused Mr Wilchcombe of trying to push “people off of the beach” and dividing the vendors association.

He also believes the minister is telling the vendors one story and Access Industries another. Mr Pinder called Mr Wilchcombe the “biggest hypocrite” in the entire dispute.

“He is saying one thing on this side and another on that side.”

On Friday, Cabbage Beach Vendors Association President Monique Taylor told The Tribune that tourism officials have conducted a series of secret meetings in which association members are allegedly being offered inducements to operate elsewhere.

Some vendors reported that the process to renew and acquire licences to operate on Cabbage Beach has been reworked and made more stringent – which is likely to limit the number of vendors able to work at the site.

Vendors are reportedly now required to present written approval by Access Industries to operate at the property and a letter of recommendation from the Ministry of Tourism to receive a business licence to operate at Cabbage Beach.

Meanwhile on Monday, Mr Moultrie confirmed that his legal team had been made aware of these claims.

“The Ministry of Tourism, in our estimation, has been complicit with Atlantis and Access Industries in denying the vendors their rights to operate on the beach,” he alleged.

When contacted for comment on the allegations, Tourism Obie Wilchcombe urged the lawyers and unions supporting the vendors to “put down their swords and act to the benefit” of the association and “not use their turmoil for political points.”

Mr Wilchcombe seemed incensed by what he called the continued “disregard for logic, balance and truth” in the matter.

“I am seeking to meet with people, anybody, everybody - whomever are interested in working to ensure that Bahamians are able to earn a living in matters like this I want to talk to you,” he said.

“If they are seeking recognition for trying to play this situation out, then I want them to know that I recognise them; but the matter of importance here is fixing this ordeal.”

Last Monday, vendors clashed with police during a protest on the Sidney Poitier Bridge to Paradise Island after Access Industries erected a fence blocking access to the vendors’ usual point of entry to Cabbage Beach.

The next day the government announced it had reached an agreement with the company to grant temporary access over the private property. However a group of protestors still marched to the site last Tuesday and some of them tore down portions of the fence in question.


banker 8 years, 7 months ago

Interesting in the fact that the vendors are unlicensed.

John 8 years, 7 months ago

Obie Wilchcombe is one of the biggest liars and most dangerous persons in politics period. While he publically proclaimed that the easement granting access to beaches on Parasdise will never be taken away, he had already signed away these rights to foreigners. A very dangerous man.

SP 8 years, 7 months ago

I must have missed something. Since when was Obie Wilchcombe a man?

Publius 8 years, 7 months ago

Does anyone notice that the politicians who went out there to snatch glory on this issue have now all disappeared? Now the vendors are on their own as they were before. The Opposition has Constitutional place at the table to aid in bringing about resolutions but that is not why they were there. They were there to exploit a matter they did not even seem to fully grasp, and now they are gone until the next occasion to exploit, comes about.

SP 8 years, 7 months ago

Anyone that cannot see that the PLP and FNM are totally disingenuous don't want to see!

sheeprunner12 8 years, 7 months ago

How long (in years) have Bahamians used this particular Cabbage Beach access route???? ...... at least 40 years???????............by default it becomes a public thoroughfare if the "owners" have never exercised their rights to limit public access (at least once per year) ......... this whole case is a sham

SP 8 years, 7 months ago

............................................... No more PLP and FNM! ............................................

I am extremely pleased Attorney's Paul Moss, Halston Moultrie and Bahamas Public Service Union President John Pinder have stuck with the vendors!

Hopefully these good gentleman can also locate the individual that the police stomped and kicked on the ground, and cause police brutality charges to be brought before the courts!

Bahamians must now come to the hard realization that the PLP and FNM are both jungelist political parties only out to swing Bahamians.

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