On The Pointe

EDITOR, The Tribune.

There is a Chinese proverb along the lines: “With money you can buy a position, but not respect.”

Recently, Mr Daniel Liu, Vice President of CCA, said of The Pointe:  “Money has been funded. There is no short of the money. It will be done. It will be done on time.”

And even prior to that, at the ground breaking ceremony for the parking garage at The Pointe in August 2015, Ning Yuan, Chairman and President of CCA, assured the Bahamian government that, “Our commitment to The Bahamas is stronger than ever.”  

Clearly, the executives of CCA would understand that the Bahamian public is not impressed by their money and that they cannot buy our respect. 

However, perhaps they would wish to prove to us that they are deserving of it.

A good way to begin would be by settling amounts owed to Bahamian businesses with whom they contracted directly for goods and services at the Baha Mar project.

Baha Mar is bankrupt; CCA, on the other hand, is braggadocios about its abundance.

No, they will not exclude us from their premises for their own egos – they will welcome us in with open arms so that they can be further enriched as we spend our money there, yet simply not pay us what is rightfully owed.

A condition precedent to the start of construction at The Pointe ought to have been the settlement of all liabilities owed to local businesses.

Perhaps its strong commitment to the Bahamas will cause CCA to show us some respect.



March 10, 2016.


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