Credit where it isn’t due

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Lowering of fuel surcharge at BEC… just how can the government take any merit points for the global lowering of fuel/oil costs? Another example of delusionism of the PLP.

Agriculture in Grand Bahama - listening to the good minister he unsold me totally that agriculture was a project anyone should attempt to do in Grand Bahama.

Ministry of Tourism - ‘Tourism Today’ presenter… what on earth does the word… ’broadcasted’ mean?

Tall Pines MP - where did you get the idea that the food stores use inferior products in the inner city and top quality products out to Lyford Cay? Dream, sir, but you are lucky you said it inside the House of Assembly and you have privilege. Why didn’t you ask your colleagues why the government doesn’t use your paints?

The AG on when Bahamas finds oil – madame check what a mess Nigeria’s financial position is right now with oil at +- $30.00 per barrel?

Why can’t the Christie Government believe in real things and not make believe?



February 3, 2016.


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