Police help themselves

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I read the business page of today’s Tribune, and particularly refer to Mr Rupert Roberts’ report on the Super Value crime situation, and the poor attitude of our police force.

Little did I know that, not an hour later, my Haitian labourer, who is awaiting a work permit renewal (due on 11th March) three days ago, would be stopped on his way walking to work this morning, by a Police squad car.

The police occupants asked to see his work permit, and, of course, it was now expired, so they said that they would have to take him in, “unless he had some money”!

Stupidly, he gave them $200 but did not note their identity number, nor the plate number on the car, so I am unable to take this up with the Commissioner.

But I would like to let Mr Roberts know that our “Royal” Bahamas Police Force is indeed busy, and perhaps too busy to help him, or Super Value, but some of them are very busy helping themselves.

I don’t know who changed the name of our Prison System from “Her Majesty’s Prisons”, but might I suggest that at this stage of our National Disgrace, that we spare the Royal Family of the continued misuse of its “Royal“ patronage, in any public endeavour, and in particular the “Bahamas Police Force”. What a shameful disgrace. “Forward Upward Onward Together”.



March 14, 2016.


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