This thing called Bahamian

EDITOR, The Tribune.

TV News Friday showed persons at Social Services packaging food packages... the bananas in the package were foreign...the brand name was very visible. Minister Gray what happened to the BAMSI bananas - surely priority should be that Social Services have a good supply? Let’s save costs for starters.

The Pointe - read with interest the letter from a Mr Howells and his visit to China State Construction office at the British Colonial. You know anywhere else in the world the construction workers and their unions would be protesting. I’m not blind, but all I see on The Pointe site are Chinese workers... if there are Management of CCA please take a group photograph and send it to the newspapers or hold a press conference. What percentage are supposed to be Bahamians? Didn’t the PLP say... Bahamians first! They are colour blind!

Ministry of Public Works - road repair - doesn’t the good Minister know the price if you damage your vehicle’s front end? To appraise him, make him know, on average $1,200. Holes in the road cause that, Mr Minister. You can’t avoid bad roads, Minister, and the rains have not come yet. IDB Directors meeting coming, let’s see some effort to fill and then maintain the roads properly.

New as in brand new red licensed plate vehicles driven by non-Bahamians, have you noticed the increase? Foreign is obviously better, again and always!

Cabinet Minister’s Travel Accounts - seeing Mr Hubert Chipman, Finance Committee seems totally asleep - with all this travel the PM has done - Mitchell-AG and the rest of them and zero accounting for it. Have we seen anything from May, 2012?



March 13, 2016.


Sickened 8 years, 6 months ago

You are asking for waaaay too much! This is the PLP we are dealing with you know - not the most upstanding, hardworking bunch of Sunday morning christians.

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