FNM must grasp opportunity

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The recent resignation of Michael Pintard has given the FNM an awesome opportunity to begin to “clean up its act”. The rapid deterioration of the image of the FNM needs to be addressed forthwith.

For a long time now, the party has been the punching bag of the PLP, the public at large and even its most ardent supporters. The many missteps of the governing party have gone by unchallenged, especially because of the inability or the lack of knowledge, interest or courage of the chairman.

The perception of the party in the public domain has caused many to have little or no interest in what is happening in the day-to-day of the party. It sure looks like the party has given up on itself.

The resignation should be something good. Now the party could take a good look introspectively and find a clean, smart, genuine, “people’s person” democrat, selfless chairman. It needs a chairman who is more concerned with uniting the party, solidifying the constituency associations, enhancing the party’s image rather than securing the leader’s position.

The many opportunities for the chairman to keep the government’s feet to the fire were simply missed, because of too many distractions, I hope not for personal gain.

It is no secret that the FNM is not glued together, but a good, well liked, well respected, knowledgeable and politically astute candidate could help the party to regain its footing. Let me hasten to say, that no one in the hierarchy of the FNM now fits the bill.

Now is the time to rid the party of the “has beens” who believe that the FNM revolves around them. Now is the time for the party to purge itself of the “stale politicians” who have been rejected by the people on one or more occasions. It is high time for the party to look itself in the face and be honest, that for it to be taken seriously, it must “remove the termite infested wood” that will cause the party structure to continue to be not as attractive as it could.

It’s soul searching time!

I trust that the party is matured enough to accept constructive criticism. Releasing the attack dogs on me will only prove that the party disagrees with positive change. Calling me names will confirm that the party is not interested in returning as government. It will prove that the whole exercise is a futile effort.

Remember this, many long time supporters, have already expressed their lack of interest in even registering. This must be changed. The only way people feel like it is worth it is when there is an indication that we are serious. Right now, there is no evidence of that.

A word to the wise is sufficient

Just for the record, I have fought many battles, I have the scars to prove it, and therefore, I am totally fearless of humans, especially those who cannot think for themselves. I have absolutely no respect for the people who allow them to be led. I cannot be intimidated.

I fear God! He has kept me thus far, and for that I am eternally grateful. Hallelujah!



March 25, 2016.


themessenger 8 years, 5 months ago

Spot on Mr. Ingraham, it needed saying and more to the point it needs doing. Unfortunately I'm not terribly optimistic that it will come to pass as with all things in Bahamian politics, the needs of the politicians far outweighs the needs of the country.

Economist 8 years, 5 months ago

For whatever reason, Minnis seems desperate to hang on as leader.

proudloudandfnm 8 years, 5 months ago

I am definitely one of those that will not register as long as Minnis is leader....

sheeprunner12 8 years, 5 months ago

The letter writer has a point ................. but what about the current state of affairs in the PLP????

Why do we hold the FNM to a different standard than the PLP?????? Do we accept that the PLP is all about "boys behaving badly"??????? ........... and the FNM must be the "goody two shoes"??????? ................... the PLP is in a far worst moral/ethical leadership situation than the FNM

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