Tears for student killed in rock fight

LEFT: The mother of Mizilana Beauchamp is comforted by Cynthia “Mother” Pratt.

LEFT: The mother of Mizilana Beauchamp is comforted by Cynthia “Mother” Pratt.


Tribune Staff Reporter


A touching memorial was held in honour Mizilana Beauchamp, the Government High School 10th grader who was tragically killed on her way to school when she was hit during a rock fight between a group of men earlier this month.

During an hour and a half long service held on the school’s campus, family members, students, teachers, administrators and some civic leaders openly mourned the loss of the 16-year-old-student.

Despite the school’s push for an upbeat service, the sombre nature of Thursday’s memorial was unmistakable. Poetic and musical tributes were often cut short as presenters had to be comforted.

It took about four attempts and the assistance of support staff at the school to get Mizilana’s distraught mother on to the podium – so grief stricken that all she could do was cry out in agony over the loss of her child.

In an effort to break the sadness of the service, former Deputy Prime Minister Cynthia “Mother” Pratt, the guest speaker, challenged those in attendance to accept the loss and view it as a part of God’s divine plan.

According to the former St Cecilia representative, the death of Mizilana, while devastating, offered an opportunity for those that knew her to understand the true value of love. Mrs Pratt said the description of the young girl given by members of her family and those that knew her well, all ended with the same notion – love.

“When I listen to all the accolades this morning one word came to me, character. Mizilana had character,” she noted.

“Mizilana was a girl that had a future. She wanted to be somebody. She was going somewhere. She had determined that she was going to do something about it. She said: ‘I am going to work hard and I am going to get good grades. I am going to demonstrate who I am as a student of this great institution called Government High School.’”

Mrs Pratt said it was that focused and deliberate attitude that allowed Mizilana to be an inspiration to all who she met and interacted.

She said the character and loving nature exhibited by Mizilana when she lived stood as a reminder that emotions ought to be shared and never hidden.

At the end of the presentation Mrs Pratt asked those in attendance to join her in song, strengthening her message that together, the hurt felt for the loss of Mizilana would be easier to bear.

Those in attendance wore green ribbons in memory of the slain teen.

The school held an impromptu remembrance service the Tuesday after Mizilana’s death.

Before attending Government High School, Mizilana was enrolled at S C McPherson Junior High.

She was rushed to hospital on Friday, March 11, after she was “caught in the crossfire of young men throwing rocks” as she rode a bus on her way to school, the Ministry of Education said earlier this month.

She later died in hospital.

Mizilana’s funeral was held on Saturday. Three men have been charged in connection with her death.


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