Unmitigated disaster

EDITOR, The Tribune.

So Frank Watson is “exasperated” with FNM Leader Hubert Minnis and doesn’t know if the FNM can “take any more” of him.

Is this the same Frank Watson who said (many months ago) they would give Dr Minnis another “six months” to shape up?

What is wrong with people like Watson who seem to be calling the shots in the FNM these days?

How much more proof do they need to convince them of what is so plain to the vast majority of Bahamians?

In case they still can’t see, let me spell it out for them:

Hubert Minnis is a big failure as a political leader. He has made a mess of every political opportunity.

He is running a once-great party right into the ground.

If by accident he should become prime minister, that would be an unmitigated disaster for The Bahamas.



March 23, 2016.


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