Concerns about NHI scheme

EDITOR, The Tribune.

While Bahamians are in support of a universal health care plan, I believe catastrophic care should be a major concern because basic care is already free.

There are hundreds of Bahamians diagnose almost daily with cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure that leads to strokes, etc.

These are the real medical issues that need to be covered under NHI. Additionally, before NHI is rolled out to the public, steps need to be been taken to improve the existing health care facilities around our nation by ensuring they are properly staffed, more efficient and well equipped with supplies.

I am of the view that the NHI scheme will only add to the already overflows at the clinics. The public is at a disadvantage because lack of decisiveness and concrete information is not being communicated in their domain causing confusions and lots of unanswered questions.

Because everyone is going to be affected, more public discussion and education is needed. This decision should not just be a government decision but a collective effort by all stakeholders.

If the delay is necessary until the people are satisfied with the plans of NHI, then so be it. This is not to suggest that the government does not mean well, it just simply means that the Bahamian people deserve that much respect from their elected officials.

The cost of living is already high and in most cases salaries have not changed for many in years, yet contributions have increased to National Insurance several times.

To add insult to injury, with the high unemployment rate and the introduction of VAT, how are Bahamians going to survive?

Many of them will need catastrophic care as a result of stress not being able to support their families.

While registration continues, there still needs to be more emphasis on educating the public. The same drive is needed that was used for the implementation of VAT and for the pending Constitution reform.

People ought to know how NHI is going to affect them and the government must also be open to accept criticism and make the necessary adjustments from the public’s feedback.



March 11, 2016.


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