Emails row

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Humans are perhaps the strangest of animals and often do not see what other creatures do.

The reading and dissemination, of private information, in the House of Assembly has simply been chalked up to Parliamentary Privilege. That is as it may be, but I don’t think that this information fell out of the ceiling of the House of Assembly, and I don’t see any computers on either side for hacking into any data, so we must assume that notwithstanding the “Parliamentary Privilege” allowing disclosure, a very real crime has likely been committed elsewhere, and the proceeds have obviously been passed on to certain people.

I would hope that the Data Protection Commissioner is vigorously investigating this aspect of the crime, and will engage the RBPF where necessary, or ask Minister Mitchell for a work permit to bring in a foreign forensic investigator. As a country we cannot allow such things to happen and subsequently not be investigated, and any breach of the law discovered must be punished.



March 29, 2016.


proudloudandfnm 8 years, 5 months ago

Jerome Fitzgerald must be questioned by police on how he got his hands on the emails and financial data. This is bigger than some stupid nygard scandal now. Fitzgerald must be investigated....

birdiestrachan 8 years, 5 months ago

And while they are at it question the media which say " Information obtained by this news paper " they had lady Pindling business as to how much she owed. They had Mr: Ishmel Lightbourne business, they even knew when he would be leaving his house.. They have leaks from BOB as to who owes what. When was Bruce G Raine when this was going on, Wrong is wrong all the time Not just Raine says so.

Sickened 8 years, 5 months ago

One has to assume that Fitzgerald did absolutely no due diligence on the facts prior to spouting it out details of the emails in the house. Which means that anyone could make up any document, pass it to Fitzgerald and he would assume it is legitimate and talk about it. What a fool!

birdiestrachan 8 years, 5 months ago

At the end of the day information was leaked. The "idiot knows what the smarty pants do not know.. The Bahamas has to many educated fools. Just try good old common sense.

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