The Eastern Road has changed

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Tribune 17 March 2016

Re: Tribune 17 March 2016,  Eastern Road Crime Awareness – Whatsapp Chat Group.

PLEASE note that I do not write on behalf of the captioned group, and recognise that matters like this are perhaps best to be ignored but.

Ms Terrell Stuart, in her vitriolic response to a line of commentary, has somehow, and very unfortunately, sought to introduce “RACE” into the picture.

The discussion about the frequency of her “parties” had nothing to do with the colour of her skin, nor the color of her guests’ skin, but had everything to do with whether the parties were self-funded gatherings of friends and family, or if they were of a commercial nature.  Everyone living on the Eastern Road, whether black, brown, white or yellow, has a vested interest in maintaining its status as “single family residential” properties. And that should include Ms Stuart who has just bought a property there.

Eastern Road may have been majority owned by white people sixty or seventy years ago but, as Ms Stuart is claiming, that has changed.

The thing is, it has not “just” changed as she seems to think, it changed a very long time ago, and for Ms Stuart’s edification, we have all,  “black, brown, white and yellow” lived in peace and harmony and mutual respect, for probably as long as it has been a multi-racial neighborhood.

I think that Ms Stuart would, or should, know from the chat log, that Eastern Road has a long track record of people buying properties, and subsequently, or with prior intent, feeling that it is a marvelous place to host commercial events.

Eastern Road has also run the full gamut of commercial activities too, from simple third party wedding receptions, to a high end brothel for a Paradise Island hotel, that did not wish such activities to be discovered to be taking place at the hotel itself.

I know this first hand, as the stretch limos would pass my house to either deliver, or pick up, the “johns” a couple of houses along from mine.  

In closing I would like to extend an invitation to Ms Stuart to join the ERCA Whatsapp chat group. I will be happy to arrange for her to come on board if she will text or call me on 457 3462.        



March 18, 2016. 


sheeprunner12 8 years, 5 months ago

Soooooooooooooo, what kind of "commercial business" is Ms. Stuart involved in??? ....... or is it the rap/reggae/soca music that is irritating the "more cultured" neighbours????????

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