Another Teachable Moment?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

THE Bahamas is in an area known as the hurricane belt. Hurricanes can visit our shores at least six months out of every year.

Our citizenry apparently is oblivious to this easily verifiable fact.

We run to the supermarkets and the lumber yards like clockwork to purchase all manner of goods just hours before tropical storm or hurricane force winds affect us.

Many of us are financially unable to purchase the basic necessities on such short notice and some who have the monies to do so arrive at stores to find that items are completely out of stock.

I believe we actually get a thrill out of standing on long queues and risk not having the basic survival necessities when a hurricane approaches our shores.

Battery operated search lights and radios, candles, canned goods, water, medical supplies and plywood among other items should comprise our hurricane kit. Our hurricane kit should be readily available before the hurricane season commences. For some strange reason though, we seem to be frantically looking for these items just before disaster strikes.

For me this is an enigma and I too am guilty of this.

Additionally, we need to be mindful of the trees that are in our yards. Mature trees that are taller than your home and are close to your home or your neighbour’s property should be a red flag and need to be safely cut down; less we face the preventable problems that arise in the aftermath of a hurricane.

The hurricane season starts on June 1st and ends on November 30th each and every year without fail. It is sure to come around just like the daily rising of the sun. Did I mention that the hurricane season occurs annually?

Will hurricane Matthew be a truly teachable moment? We will find out soon enough.



October 31, 2016.


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