Road Traffic and the ‘paradigm’ shift

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Well another issue which Government will spin as being the best in the world but at what cost to the patient public?

Thousands of hours of waiting - total frustration even to the collecting of the license plate and disc.

I hope and I know differently all vehicles for October did get inspected and did do the back-door as usual process?

How many vehicles were passed and they had some cover or shield over their license plate so you are unable to read it?

There can only be one reason that you are trying to hide your car license number - are you up to mischief? Tyres bald ready to burst?

Today passed Tommy Robinson Stadium, yes the last day of October there were hundreds of people in line.

The bottom line, starting mid-month was crazy except the Financial Secretary ordered we need the cash now to meet post hurricane expenses.

Now on the light side of this process......Road Traffic didn’t need to include colour of hair as with most women first thing they might be totally bald - by lunchtime having gone home come back a blonde and by the evening back to bald - how can the police know what is correct?

The aqua marine colour to the new plates is very distinguished.

Road Traffic a good try, but stop blaming the public - the public don’t like change!

We will do it in 2017, just watch!



October 31, 2016.


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