Selling Andros to China

EDITOR, The Tribune.

IT IS important for the Bahamian people to register to vote. If we allow Perry Christie to continue as Prime Minister we may not have a Bahamas left in five years.

I was shocked to read the reports in the newspapers this week about a $2.1 billion proposal for an agriculture and fisheries project in Andros with China.

The companies to be created would be joint venture companies between the Government of China and Bahamians. The newspapers said 10,000 acres of crown land would be involved.

The PLP wants to sell Andros to China. That is clear. We can no longer trust Mr Christie’s government to look out for Bahamians. This proposed deal is an insult to every Bahamian, born and unborn. If we re-elect the PLP which island will they sell next? Inagua? Eleuthera? Abaco?

Enough is enough. We as a people must vote Mr Christie’s PLP out if we are to preserve our independent country. If the PLP stays in power we will become the newest province of China. I’ve only heard Alfred Sears speaking out against this proposed deal.

He could be leader of the opposition of what’s left of the PLP after the election.

Again, Bahamians, please register. We must act in unison to remove a party that Believes in Foreigners First!



October 3, 2016.


Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 10 months ago

Don't be fooled fellow Bahamians, our stupid, greedy, and power and wealth hungry Crooked Christie is the one who from the start was behind the $2.1 billion sellout of our agriculture and fisheries industries and the giveaway of tens of thousands of acres of our Crown Land to his RED China friends. Crooked Christie's use of the corrupt and very dumb Alfred Gray to get the word out is just a typical cowardly political ploy by Crooked Christie to distract and deflect attention and blame away from himself. Crooked Christie's Red Chinese friends obviously now have a very tight vise-grip on Crooked Christie's shrivelled smelly nuts that they can further tighten at anytime they want. Yes fellow Bahamians, it is Crooked Christie and none other than Crooked Christie alone who is in the process of selling our country to Red China as a result of his unconscionable and insatiable greed for power and wealth. Just ask Baltron "Bag Man" Bethel how filthy rich he, our AG Wicked Witch and Crooked Christie have become selling us out to Red China. These three evil creatures could not care less about our sovereignty and national security!

birdiestrachan 7 years, 10 months ago

Get over it Martha a proposal is not an agreement. You have one vote the same as others. each will decide for whom they should vote and who knows many may choose Mr: Christie. it is their God given right to do so.

OMG 7 years, 10 months ago

if the deal were to be agreed, very little of the cash would be used to pay of the national debt rather a few token projects with the usual lack of accountability.

SP 7 years, 10 months ago

........ BREAKING NEWS, PM Christie Rivals Hubert Ingraham In Asinine Stupidity ........

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