University inauguration

EDITOR, The Tribune.

LIVE from Christ Church Cathedral the leaders of The Bahamas and our higher education system were supposed to gather to give thanks.

Pictures do not lie...the attendance of who should have been present was as close to zero as it is possible...

PM - Minister of Education - Minister of Youth were the sole and only Ministers... add HE Picewell Forbes.

The Prime Minister should ask on Tuesday give me a reason why you were not present and it better be a good reason?

Where was the Leader of the Opposition?

In fact, where were the majority of both sides of Parliament and the Senate?

Living past Ministers of Education... missing.

Before I accuse all of the above one has to ask did COB invite these people for starters?

It has taken far, far too long from 1973 to come to this all-important date in our history - talk is cheap but from what everyone witnessed from the live ZNS TV broadcast everyone was missing with no explanation when there must be one.

Shame on all of you. You say you care about our young people? Your actions say totally different.



November 6, 2016.


birdiestrachan 7 years, 10 months ago

Congratulations on the college of the Bahamas becoming a University. It is a good thing and I pray that many who desire a higher education will do well. God bless the Bahamas and all of our young men and women. Be the best you can be

OMG 7 years, 10 months ago

Information from an inside source says that existing equipment in many areas is from the 50's with basics in the science areas severely lacking. Anybody can change a name but supplying the equipment / resources and working conditions to become a creditable university takes money. It was on ZNS last night that this will become a world class university undertaking research. When one considers that Darold Miller lives under the delusion that his programme is broadcast to the Bahamas and the world I can only hope that the new University is more in touch with reality.

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