Hysteria or not?

EDITOR, The Tribune. 

The Xenophobic Free National Movement

“PM: FNM creating Chinese hysteria – Minnis says issues has to do with govt.’s non-transparency” – The Nassau Guardian

Excerpt from this article; “Prime Minister Perry Christie and Free National Movement (FNM) Leader (Dr) Hubert Minnis yesterday exchanged political blows in the House of Assembly over the relationship successive governments have had with the People’s Republic of China, with the prime minister accusing the Official Opposition of fuelling ‘hysteria’ over Chinese investment in the country.’

Again, the Prime Minister chooses to misrepresent the facts in order to justify his way of; doing business’, on behalf of the people of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.

It is indeed interesting that the prime minister and his government would accuse the Free National Movement of “creating hysteria” and promoting xenophobia against the People’s Republic of China, while at the very same time accusing them (the Free National Movement) of being the ones that “opened the door” and inviting the Chinese in as investors in the first place.

“PM blasts FNM over Chinese deals” – The Tribune.

Excerpt from this article; “Teasing documents that detail the previous administrations efforts to partner with the Chinese government for the development of agriculture and fisheries, Prime Minister Perry Christie, yesterday criticised the Free National Movement and its Leader Dr Hubert Minnis for “emotionally exploiting” Bahamians anxiety over Chinese investment.

“In Parliament yesterday Mr Christie revealed that the previous FNM administration held talks with the People’s Republic of China and private Chinese companies through the Bahamas State Investment Administration Bureau for projects and co-operatives, which included Crown Land acquisition.

However, he stopped short of tabling documents, and instead invited Dr Minnis to review the files so that he could be informed without “having to make it into some ridicule of a nation.”

I am awaiting to see where it has been documented that the Leader of the Free National Movement has ever said or implied that the FNM did not do business with the Chinese or that the current government should not; this is where the Prime Minister and his government wishes to be less than honest with the people of The Bahamas and lead them down a “dark road” of misinformation.

It is interesting that the Prime Minister can refer to the Bahamas State Investment Administration Bureau, to detail the dealings of the Free National Movement with the People’s Republic of China (PRC), but yet have us wait on the details of the “secret” and sealed deal between his administration and the PRC on such important issue as Baha Mar and have us only finding out through “leaked” information about Minister V Alfred Gray giving authority to the ambassador to China to have “talks” regarding a $2.1 billion agri-fisheries initiative and now talks about a forestry deal; all behind closed doors under the cover of darkness.

Dr Minnis says it is best in response to the Prime Minister’s claim of the FNM creating “Chinese hysteria”. “However, Minnis said the FNM has no fundamental issue with the Chinese, but with the level of transparency, or lack thereof, with which the Christie administration conducts business with the giant eastern trading partner.”



November 8, 2016.


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