The FNM is in a glass house

EDITOR, The Tribune.

There are some real issues as it relates to the confidence displayed in the leadership of the FNM. The appearance of a democratic process was unmasked when it was discovered that the deck was stacked against the challenger for the top spot.

In an effort to gain an advantage and to “not be democratic” the hierarchy of the party “fixed” the delegates to achieve the desired effect. Some call it smart politics but I say it was dishonest and while the end result to win was achieved, the aftermath is now beginning to be disastrous.

Now that the dust is settled and the choice has been determined, the fallout is now being realised.

The disgraceful handling of Richard Lightbourne and Hubert Chipman are clear indications that the gameplay must have been to dismantle the FNM as we knew it, to be transformed to a different party.

The party now has a different look. It is now Hubert Alexander Minnis’ Party.

Mr Minnis’ top surrogate at one stage urged supporters of Loretta Butler-Turner to “carry their arse” if they cannot support Minnis. I would give, “First Born,“ Mr Maurice Moore the benefit of the doubt and say that he spoke in the heat of a battle.

What Moore does not know, is that Lightbourne and Chipman have loyal supporters who are more friends than loyal to the party. Some of these friends, said to me that they are sad because of the disrespect shown to them.

The intentional purging of “well known foot soldiers” was calculating, deliberate and methodical. Mercilessly, people were targeted to be ridiculed, attacked and disrespected, sometimes in public.

But some may want us to believe that they are coming with clean hands. We all know better. The stark reality is, people who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

Fast forward! I have been around long enough to know that many of the same things we have been complaining about in the PLP are also prevalent in the FNM.

We talk about PLPs looking out for PLPs, but if my memory serves me right FNMs looked out for FNMs too. In fact some who were closely connected were given “the fat of the land”. I dare anyone to say I am wrong. It is highly hypocritical to accuse the other side, especially if you are “GUILTY” of the same.

So rather than lying to the Bahamian people that you would be different, and rather than appearing that you are one of the “grassroots” when you are a multimillionaire too, just come out and say that you are exploiting the people just to gain power, and if you get it you would “head west” to your “ivory tower”.

If the glaring instability in the FNM is any indication of how the country would be run, then Bahamians would have to blame themselves this time for ignoring it. Therefore no one can point fingers this time at any party.

On another note, if Moore and Wells believe that they can lambaste FNM and expect them to remain in a place where they are not welcome anymore, they have another thought to think.

Since the FNM has been thrown into chaos, the raw truth is many FNM will not register, will stay home, or go to a place where they are comfortable and feel welcome.

Oh, by the way, not everyone could be bribed with a diplomatic post in Washington. This is for me, “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess your sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness”.

Now call me what you wish, but don’t call me collect, pay for the call!



November 11, 2016.


banker 7 years, 10 months ago

Let me guess -- this is the new comedy column for the Tribune?

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