Free information?

EDITOR, The Tribune

FOI stands for “Freedom of Information” or perhaps “Farce of Information”.

The Act has been in draft form for five years and it has still not been activated by the House of Assembly. Unbelievable.

The situation becomes really irritating when the discussions with the Chinese about fishing and agriculture become an issue. The PLP blames the FNM for having discussions in past years. The majority of the people appear to blame the PLP for the present discussions.

But who knows who is telling the truth and who is not - we the people have no means to check the vitriolic messages that float back and forth unless we have access to the many secret documents floating around in somebody’s office?

So FOI, FOI, FOI for goodness sake and take us out of our misery! A non-partisan vote in the House to decide - perhaps!

Donald Trump talks from the hip, however bad or good it maybe. If someone were to do that in the Bahamas maybe the May election would be theirs to win.



Nobvember 13, 2016


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