BTC worse than Batelco

EDITOR, The Tribune.

AND I thought that no company could be worse than BaTelCo! I was mistaken. BTC has topped them, all including BPL and BEC.

I have been without service to the company main line (356-0800) now since hurricane Matthew. Thinking that repairs will be made in a timely manner, I waited a few weeks and saw that nothing was done.

On October 25th, 2016, the company office manager called the BTC customer service line at 225-5282 and lodged a formal complaint.

After not getting a response from a service technician, she called again and no response and then a third time, and still no response.

After being thoroughly frustrated, on Thursday, November 10th 2016, now three weeks later, I went to the BTC South West Plaza office seeking some solution to my phone problem.

I entered the customer service section, and was eventually greeted by a representative, who was as professional as a jungalist, working in a Cow Pen Road food store.

Finally, I got to meet with the customer service manager, Mrs Cindy Davis. Mrs Davis was very professional and pleasant.

I explained my situation to her and she proceeded to call field technicians working the Sandy Port area to see if one of them could lend assistance.

In my presence, she called four technicians and not one, was she able to get a hold of. I commented to her, by saying, see my frustration, Mrs Davis? In the end she sent an e-mail out to one of them to lend assistance.

I gave her my and the office manager’s cell numbers, to pass onto the technician to call when they can come to check out the line.

Today is Monday, November 14th 2016, and neither I nor the office manager has gotten a call from any BTC representative.

And I will bet, that BTC will charge me full rental for the month of October for the down line.




November 14, 2016.


birdiestrachan 7 years, 10 months ago

No lie. BTC has a serious problem when it comes to phone repair. Perhaps they should train more persons to repair phones. there are so many young people out of work. Train some of them. BTC has to do better. I am afraid if I signed on to their TV service I may be without TV for months.

DDK 7 years, 10 months ago

They think that by changing the names of the corporations, the voting public will believe they are getting better service!

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