Investment in The Bahamas

EDITOR, The Tribune.

WE continue to hear from our ministers the term FDI, or Foreign Direct Investment, as something important and vital to The Bahamas.

In reality, The Bahamas already has used up and wasted any FDI that has ever come into this country and should instead look inward to envision true national progress. Hint. This has more to do than putting on a coloured t-shirt every five years. Perhaps a few more dollars spent putting out students who can read and count would be a start.

The FDI we should be looking for is Foreign Direct Integrity, or maybe Foreign Direct Intelligence. These are the things which this country seems to be lacking.

The Bahamas has been blessed with more natural resources than any country imaginable. From crawfish and fin fish, to conch and crabs, to sponges and sea cucumbers, to aragonite to tourism, the billions upon billions of dollars worth of resources this country possesses is staggering. Yet today, The Bahamas is at the doorstep of others with our hand out. So sad. Even though we have shown time and again that we are very poor managers of money, we want the chance to repeat the whole process of theft, graft, corruption and incompetence that we continue to this day.

We are willing to accept foreign money, yet close our doors to foreigners who have the FDI most important to the success of any endeavour. Call it what you want, but the FDI most important to The Bahamas could be called Foreign Direct Intelligence, or Foreign Direct Integrity. Both in short supply here. Instead, we have national leaders (politicians really, for we have no real leaders) who spend their time demonising others who are seeking to bring this country up.

Of course, The Bahamas can’t accept more foreigners, because we can’t even take care of our own. Why? Is it a secret? Honestly?

We can’t even take care of our own because it seems that we are a country awash in theft, corruption and a failed work ethic. We continue to blame the politicians, yet the millions and billions of dollars stolen from every Bahamian institution cannot be stolen by the politicians alone.

It seems, from reading the papers, that most every Bahamian government department is being stripped clean. We don’t have enough politicians to do the damage that is being done to this country. It is a complete and utter failure of this society.

This should be repeated.

The reason we are in the situation we are in today is not just because of our politicians. It is systemic failure of every institution. It is a failure of our educational system, of our system of corporate governance, a failure of our justice system, a failure of our churches and a failure of us as human beings to speak out against these blatant and obvious wrongs around us. Did I leave anyone out?

Where we are today is not just the result of a few bad apples. We have a society that is as far away from decency, honesty and Christian tenets as any country could be. We have a population mired in dishonesty, corruption, anti-social behaviour and ignorance. And, we seem not to notice, or are too proud to admit that we need a complete revolution of our thoughts and ways.

There are ways to stop the theft. Just ask the owners of any company such as Wendy’s or Kelly’s. How long would their doors be open if they suffered the losses comparable to what every Bahamian governmental organisation allows to persist? Not very long, right?

It is said we get the government we deserve.

Perhaps it is time to open our doors and change our laws so that we start bringing in some people who may possibly help turn things around.

I do not see the intelligence, wisdom, integrity or leadership qualities in any politician The Bahamas has offered to date. Perhaps it is time for real change, not just another tiresome orator who is ready to stroke his or her ego. Where in The Bahamas will these people come from?



November 9, 2016.


OMG 7 years, 10 months ago

So true. When you read some of the readers comments it conveys the message that a foreigner is not welcome yet their money is, whether at a corporate level or the winter resident. Foreign expertise is welcomed in most countries where it is recognised that a talented individual can create jobs and wealth but it is the general population and politicians that hold the blame for the appalling mess we are in.

Sickened 7 years, 10 months ago

Well written.

This is just the start of long slide down the other side of the precipice we have been expecting for years now.

Honestman 7 years, 10 months ago

There will be very little foreign direct investment into the Bahamas in the foreseeable future. Potential investors will have watched how China PLP allowed the "shake down" of an investor by the name of Sarkis Izmirlian who reportedly lost in the region of $1 billion dollars. Who in their right mind would want to risk even a fraction of that amount with China PLP running the country? Meanwhile our feckless Prime Minister continues to tell us that he expects Baha Mar to be open by the end of this coming winter season!! I believe he is of the school that believes that "if you speak it, it will happen". Does anyone see construction gathering apace at the site? This resort will not open in 2017 - anyone with half a brain can see that.

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