Nasty, nasty, nasty!

EDITOR. The Tribune.

There is a Public Parks and Beaches Authority, a Department of Environmental Health and a bloated civil service. I understand workers at the garbage depot are sitting idle because garbage collection has been contracted out to private companies.

Yet the Montagu Beach is a disgrace with its piles of garbage strewn seaweed and sea lice, broken fencing and wrecked benches.

Across the street where the pink wall straddles the old hotel property, piles of garbage lie uncollected and in full sight of the park.

Whenever there’s a strong breeze, Styrofoam plates and cups are blown from the seafood market to the park opposite.

This area is used by Bahamians from all walks of life as well as visitors. Taxi drivers and Sky Juice man and many others rely on it for both business and recreation. It hosts the only beach in the area.

Surely, keeping this little beach and park clean are within the capabilities of the Parks and Public Beaches Authority and the government services.

Surely, these agencies are capable of liaising with the people who use this area and devising solutions to better manage this beautiful, but filthy resource.

Surely the Bahamian people deserve better.

This is just plain nasty!



November 15, 2016


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