Increase in MPs

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I NOTE  that the Boundary Commission are about to recommend that five additional seats are added to the House of Assembly. We are advised by Government that the country is broke and the borrowings are at horrendous levels and we are bing told that we need a further four/five members in the House of Assembly.

Have the Boundary Commission got their thinking caps on? MPs cost  money - salaries, perks, constituency office and even more pensions which go away into the future.

Is this what the country really needs?

In the UK, Members of Parliament represent approximately 100,000 people in each constituency. In The Bahamas, with the present number of Members of the House, of Assembly they represent approximately 7,500.

Does this make sense when the country cannot afford it? Does anyone agree with this and if so make their feelings known.



November 16, 2016.


Sickened 7 years, 10 months ago

The last thing this country needs is 5 more teefen politicians on the payroll.

Honestman 7 years, 10 months ago

Especially if George Smith is being primed to be one of them!

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