Quite a week in the news

EDITOR, The Tribune.

WELL this past week was quite a week - Chinese promised ‘ooo’s of acres, Minister denials - the ‘gown-day’ at UB/University of Bahamas - Minister Wilchcombe confirms no letter of intent from the group said to be purchasing Baha Mar... wow!

The Fish-Lumber project and the 100 ‘chosen-ones’ project and the Ambassador... I would certainly like to see the names of the ‘chosen 100-participants’ in this scheme ... it would probably read like the Who’s Who of you know where I suspect.

Surely the Ambassador has access to Goggle and could Google - Bahamas Fisheries Protection Act? Ambassadors are not supposed to make such mistakes ... should he be recalled for consultation?

Certainly the Public Finance Committee should do it if not the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Lands are the OPM responsibility?

The other Lumber China deal ... Canadian in Abaco why wasn’t this cancelled for non-compliance?

Public outcry and the PLP don’t understand why? Boy they gotta a lot to learn.

What I will call ‘gown day at UB’ ... congrats to all concerned on the final attainment of University status for COB but a question - when did the Rt Hon Perry Christie, Hon Brave Davis, Hon Alfred Sears obtain a Doctorate Degree from UB when the University has never granted any and could not since the institution was till Thursday, November 10th, a College?

Was it all a fancy dress party? Boy those speeches...

Minister Wilchcombe confirming no Letter of Intent on Baha Mar as yet well is there a purchase or isn’t there? Clearly some site work is in progress you see Chinese workers here and there and activity.



November 12, 2016.


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