We must register and vote

EDITOR, The Tribune.

As a young political observer, I have been quite pleased with the Free National Movement’s selection of candidates thus far. Most of these men and women embody exactly what it is that so many Bahamians have been in search of for quite some time; and that is fresh faces, and ‘new blood’.

The FNM to date has ratified more than half of their candidates for the upcoming general election, and I wait with great anticipation to see whether the Bahamian public will repose their trust in them and elect these individuals, or return the Progressive Liberal Party back to office.

The majority of the candidates that have been ratified already by the FNM do not form a part of the political elite and political establishment, but rather are everyday hardworking men and women who are striving to make a difference in their country, have decided that the time of mere talking and rhetoric has ended, and have determined that “enough is enough” as it regards the current state of governance in our country.

Being in my early 20s and witnessing the continued degradation of our beloved nation is quite troubling, and can often cause one to lose hope for a better future, but I encourage all young Bahamians, as well as the wider population to get registered and vote.

The youth of our nation has to realise the power that their vote possesses, we the young people of this nation (18-35 years old) will represent the largest voting bloc during the next election, and therefore it is incumbent upon us to elect a government that will do what is necessary to rescue our nation from the point of no return.

In my view, the current government under the leadership of the Rt Hon Perry G Christie has exhibited a lack of transparency and accountability to the Bahamian people, coupled with the arrogant thinking that they should in no way be held responsible for their actions or inaction.

The issues we face today have become far too complicated for the politicians of yesterday, and I am of the strong belief that the current Prime Minister and his Party are unable to lead our country into a new era of technological advancement and progress, and they have shown that they simply do not meet the mark as it regards growing and developing our economy.

Again I issue an open cry to the young people of The Bahamas, to get involved in the political process, and you must vote in order to ensure the future sustainability of our nation, because inevitably we are the leaders of tomorrow, and we must elect leaders who will ensure that our Bahamaland will be safeguarded and protected not only for us, but for generations yet unborn.



November 17, 2016.


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